Committed To Good (CTG) is an award-winning private sector company that enables humanitarian and development projects in conflict zones. As a people solutions business, we recruit, deploy and manage the right people with the right skills to implement projects in the world’s toughest regions.
- Job Type: Full Time
- Qualification: BA/BSc/HND
- Experience: 3 years
- Location: Borno
- Job Field: NGO/Non-Profit , Project Management
Overview of position:
- The nutrition situation in the northeast is worsening. As part of the nutrition response, there is a need to have Facilitators on ground. The Facilitators monitor day to day activity implementation, provide technical support, monitor & supervise utilization of supplies (ensuring no misuse, etc.), conduct on the job mentoring for the service providers & ensure adherence to the admission & treatment protocols. In the light of our accountability to the donors & to the affected population, the presence of the Facilitators ensures effective program implementation with use of life saving resources & achievement of the desired results for vulnerable women & children.
- The nutrition section had 5 State Facilitators & 28 LGA Facilitators making the total of 33 Facilitators in BAY states. 4 LGA Facilitators from Bama, Mobbar, Bade & Konduga resigned between September 2022 to January 2023. This created a gap in the 4 most critical LGAs where nutrition services are being delivered. As services in these 4 LGAs are being delivered by the government & local NGO partners they require very close monitoring & technical guidance & support. The gap created by the absence of the LGA Facilitators is affecting program delivery in the 4 LGAs as there are no fixed government staff dedicated for nutrition program.
- With current limitations in travel in some LGA’s there is a great need to have Facilitators stationed in these LGAs to work closely with the Ward Nutrition Focal Points & other partners on ground & supervise nutrition program to ensure quality program delivery & timely reporting. The Facilitator will coordinate partners on the ground & conduct monthly meetings, including documenting minutes & ensuring follow up actions points from the meeting & feedback to the state & our client. The Facilitator will also report to our client & their partners on any humanitarian challenges faced in the LGAs for prompt interventions to the situation.
Main responsibilities & tasks:
- Coordinate & supervise nutrition activities in collaboration with the LGA Nutrition Focal Point & Community Nutrition Mobilizers.
- Conduct end user monitoring to ensure adequate stocks of key nutrition commodities RUTF, MNPs / SQ – LNS, Vitamin A, Albendazole, Iron & Folic Acid / MMS, Therapeutic milk & ReSoMal, are available in the LGA & health facilities. Including, to request nutrition supplies & ensure supplies are stored properly & monitor utilization & report any misuse of supplies.
- Provide biweekly & monthly reports on disaggregated number of children receiving services & other nutrition indicators as required.
- Provide weekly updates on nutrition services being delivered at the health facilities.
- Supervise maternal nutrition & child health week activities.
- Participate in the coordination meetings at the LGA & state level as required.
- Supervise Ward Nutrition Supervisors & provide regular updates on the functioning of the community structures & compile date from the nutrition implementing sites.
- Ensure monitoring of community based & faciilty nutrition activities in LGA’s.
- A detailed work plan submitted, discussed & reviewed by the supervisor every month.
- Monthly progress report submitted to the supervisor for review, discussions & feedback.
- Monthly trip reports & summary of the action points from the visits submitted to the supervisor.
- Monthly reports on supportive supervision indicating challenges, good practice & lessons learnt, proposed solutions & lessons learnt.
- Nutrition program data CMAM, MIYCN submitted to the supervisor not later than 5th of each month.
- Participate in the state & LGA monthly humanitarian coordination meetings & share minutes with action points for follow up to the supervisor.
- Weekly updates on humanitarian situation & any relevant changes in the situation influx, disruption of services.
- Inputs for the monthly humanitarian situation report when needed.
- Coordination & supervision of nutrition activities in collaboration with the LGA Nutrition Focal Point.
- Ensure adequate stock of key nutrition commodities RUTF, MNPs are available in the LGA & health facilities.
- Supervise maternal nutrition & child health week activities.
- Any other deliverables agreed upon by the supervisor.
Project reporting:
- This role reports to the line manager.
Key competencies:
- Bachelors Degree in Nutrition, Public Health or a related field.
- Must be computer literate.
- Fluent in English and knowledge of local language Kanuri & Hausa will be an assert.
- At least 3 years of work experience nutrition, health / public health program management.
- Experience in working in emergency is an advantage.
- Experience in working with communities in nutrition & other health related programs.
Team management:
- This role has no team management responsibility.
Further information:
- Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.