Category: Artisan

Fincra is a payment infrastructure for fintechs, platforms and global businesses. Fincra provides payments solutions that enables businesses to accept payments securely, make payouts globally and scale your business across borders. We are recruiting to fill the position below: Job Read more…

Nuru Nigeria is a local non-profit and non-governmental organisation working in rural areas of Northeast Nigeria. To build a resilience corridor through nutrition-sensitive regenerative agribusiness programming. Nuru Nigeria’s core approach is sustainable, community-led, community-driven, and profitable farmer organisations. We are Read more…

Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that promotes socio-economic development by supporting a broad range of global health interventions, education and economic initiatives in Nigeria. AHNi is an allied organization to Family Health International (FHI 360) Read more…

International Breweries Plc – Our Dream is to bring people together for a better world. Beer, the original social network, has been bringing people together for thousands of years. We are committed to building great brands that stand the test Read more…

Ndi Assam Foundation is a non-governmental, non-profitable organization saddled with the responsibility of providing education, livelihood support, as well as hope, to abandoned, orphaned, and less privileged children in Nigeria. The organization currently operates from its national head office situated Read more…

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create friendly knowledge and understanding between the people of the UK and other countries. We do this by making a positive contribution to the UK Read more…

No economy grows without the use of credit and there is no example of any advanced society without the use of credit. Credit at whatever level of sector, if not properly managed could spell doom for an economy. As we Read more…

Save the Children invests in childhood – every day, in times of crisis and for our future. In the United States and around the world, we give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. By Read more…

We are a nonprofit organization that develops business solutions to poverty by linking people to information, capital and markets. Our work is rooted in the idea that hardworking people can generate income, jobs and wealth for their families and communities. Read more…

Médecins Sans Frontières is a private, non-profit international humanitarian organization dedicated to providing medical assistance to populations in crisis, without discrimination and regardless of race, religion, gender, creed, or political affiliation. We are recruiting to fill the position below: Job Read more…