The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) is an international medical organization, founded in 2009. ALIMA’s aim is to provide a high standard of healthcare in situations of emergency or medical disaster and to improve the practice of humanitarian medicine by developing innovative projects associated with medical research.
- Job Type Full Time
- Qualification BA/BSc/HND
- Experience 3 years
- Location Abuja
- Job Field Human Resources / HR
- Line Manager: Head of Mission;
- Technical Referent: Human Resources Referent Desk HQ;
- Staff under his/her hierarchical responsibility: HR Manager, HR Assistant. He/She is functionally responsible for the HR aspects of the Project Administrative Managers (Admin);
- He/She collaborates with the Coordinators (Capital and field).
Level 3: As part of his/her duties, the incumbent will visit programs and come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where a criminal record check or character reference is not possible, a declaration of honor will be requested.
- To ensure the proper management of the mission’s human resources in accordance with the ALIMA management framework and local legislation;
- To be the leader in defining Human Resources strategy and advising managers;
- Be the focal point with the administrative authorities (Labour Inspectorate, Lawyer, Social Security, Taxes, etc.);
- Represent ALIMA in inter-NGO administrative forums.
Administrative management of the mission, legal monitoring:
- Ensure that the legal documents are updated for the proper functioning of ALIMA;
- Ensure annual registration of lease contracts, house contracts, coordination and projects;
- Ensure the legal monitoring of the mission by creating and maintaining a network of relevant information in its areas of responsibility and in particular on labor and tax legislation;
- Contribute to the definition, validation and application of documents, procedures and policies for personnel management (internal regulations, contracts, recruitment policies, etc.);
- Initiate the definition and revision of documents, procedures and policies for which he/she is responsible in accordance with local legislation and ALIMA procedures;
- Participate in the elaboration of the agreement protocols between ALIMA and the partners;
- Produce the monthly report of the mission on the human resources and administrative aspects.
Administrative Management of Human Resources:
- Ensure the rigorous application of the recruitment policy at all bases and for all positions, from identifying the need to archiving recruitment files;
- Provide training to Administrate managers on ALIMA procedures, good recruitment practices, and recruitment techniques;
- Participate in the recruitment process for base managers, ensuring HR validation;
- Participate in the recruitment process for bases upon request from the PC and/or the Admins;
- Provide recruitment tests to Admins and team leaders when required or recommended;
- Conduct a general induction of ALIMA and the mission for Admins, supporting the updating of the project section, and ensuring that each collaborator benefits from this induction;
- Ensure that new employees recruited at the base are briefed on internal regulations, the code of good conduct, the anti-fraud policy, and the policy for the prevention of harassment and sexual and gender-based violence;
- Ensure that stakeholders understand and implement the induction process on the mission (coordination and bases) and provide HR induction for all managers.
Employment contract and follow-up:
- Ensure that personnel files are complete and maintained in electronic format;
- Implement and maintain efficient contract monitoring tools and ensure that Admins use them (monitoring of contract dates, leave, etc.).
Payment of wages, taxes and social security contributions:
- Supervise the use of the payroll software and train the Admins on their responsibilities;
- Validate payrolls each month for each base.
Life and team composition:
- Support the organization of monthly staff meetings;
- Participate in staff representative / coordination meetings;
- Participates in the resolution of work conflicts in collaboration with project coordinators, Admins and team leaders.
Operational Human Resources Management:
- Support project coordinators and department managers in defining the composition of their teams;
- Update and share mission organization charts with the bases, coordination and headquarters on a monthly basis;
- Participate in the elaboration of the mission’s budgets for the HR part (organization chart, salary, bonuses…), international transport, rent.
Quality management of personnel:
Job Profile – Performance Objective Plan – Review:
- Provide Admins and team leaders with standard job profiles;
- Ensure that updated job profiles are available for each employee and that each employee has read and signed them, support the Admins and team leaders in case of blockage;
- Train team leaders in the use of POP documents and reports;
- Check that team leaders set objectives at the beginning of the period and carry out staff reviews at the end of the period;
- Analyze personnel reviews from a career path perspective.
Training and capacity building:
- Develop an evaluation report including the training needs expressed;
- Be proactive in identifying sources of funding for training, and in identifying collaborations with other NGOs, training organizations present in the country;
- To be responsible for the organization of training taking place in the coordination or in the city of the coordination;
- Support the organization of training courses held at the base or at headquarters;
- Propose and anticipate the secondment of personnel to other ALIMA missions;
- Accompany the capacity building of all employees in support of team leaders;
- Collect data related to the training provided in the field and propose an analysis of these data;
- Apply post-training monitoring and evaluation methods to measure impact;
- Liaise with the Head of Training at headquarters.
Specific management of international staff:
- In liaison with the administrative department in Dakar, ensure the administrative follow-up of the international staff: briefing and debriefing, arrival and departure dates, paid holidays, passports, visas and plane tickets;
- In collaboration with the HR Manager, ensures the renewal of expatriate visas, security visas and/or any other legal documents required by the police and the Ministry (Agreement, Convention with the Ministry of Trustees, Request for entry permit…);
- Monitor contract dates and bring to the attention of line managers at least 3 months in advance;
- Ensure that the files of internationals are prepared and provides the necessary documents for those who do not have them (ALIMA card, mission order, residence permit, etc.);
- Organize visitor briefings.
Recruitment and follow-up:
- Support the Head of Mission and the project coordinators in the planning of the breaks and provide a monitoring tool;
- In collaboration with the administrators, alert for interim and final reviews;
- Ensure the transmission of reports and end-of-assignment reports to the HR desk officer;
- Support the Head of Mission in the management of human resources of expatriate staff (conflict management, anticipation of recruitment, drafting of job profiles, etc.).
Team management and leadership:
- Set up an HR department for coordination with recruitment and training of a national team;
- Define job profiles and performance objectives for team members;
- To carry out the assessments of its team in an approach of professional course;
- Facilitating training actions to develop/reinforce team skills on HR and cross-functional themes;
- Propose and support job changes in accordance with ALIMA policies;
- Propose and anticipate secondments;
- Promote staff mobility (internal and external) within the framework of the policies in force;
- Identify the skills that team members need to acquire in order to master their positions and organize training to reinforce them;
- Organize and lead team meetings.
- Develop an evaluation report including the training needs expressed;
- Produce the monthly HR report and related documents.
Implementation of preventive measures against abuse of power, gender-based and sexual violence (PSEA):
- Support the Head of Mission in the implementation of the PSEA action plan;
- Implementing standards for abuse prevention, including safe recruitment procedures;
- Ensure that team members attend training and awareness sessions and follow abuse prevention rules;
- To help create and maintain a nurturing and protective environment.
- Training in Human Resources Management
- At least 3 years of experience in a similar position
- Experience in emergency and degraded security contexts is highly desirable
- Previous experience in the humanitarian field, in the position of Human Resources Coordinator
- Organizational skills, rigor and autonomy
- Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel…)
- Ability to prioritize and work under pressure
- Ability to work as a team in multicultural contexts
- Training and coaching skills
- Adaptability and diplomacy
- Knowledge of HOMERE software
- Writing skills
- Analytical and critical thinking skills
- Fluency in English. Speaking French is an asset