African Development Bank Group (AfDB) – Established in 1964, the African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 80 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: EOI – Consultant to Develop Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework – AHVP
Location: Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Consultant type: Individual Consultant
Job Family: Agriculture, Human and Social Development
Commencement of Assignment: 10th July, 2023
Terms of Reference: Consultant to develop a Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework in
Scope of Work and Rationale
- The Assembly decision [(Assembly/AU/Dec. 813(XXXV)] adopted in 2022, declared 2022 “the Year of Nutrition and Food Security” and the Abidjan Declaration “Accelerate investment, implementation and coordination to improve nutrition and food security in Africa.”
- The objective of the 2022 theme of the year was to take stock of previous efforts to promote high-level political support for addressing malnutrition in all its forms and reposition nutrition in the development discourse toward building back better following the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, in July 2022, the AU, through Decision number EX.CL/Dec.1178 (XLI) called on Member States to prioritize increased domestic financial investment in food and nutrition security while promoting investments in multisectoral programming.
- This decision further called for the AUC and key stakeholders to adopt and develop a Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework and a Funding Target for Nutrition Investment that will guarantee domestic resource allocation for nutrition programming.
- Increasing this funding begins with a clear understanding of the importance of these investments in the country’s leadership, followed keenly by increased appropriation and, finally, timely release and utilization of funds.
- Several partners committed to supporting the implementation of the AU Theme of the Year 2022 recommendations and the Abidjan Declaration Plan of Action. The African Development Bank (AfDB) will support the AUC through the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs, and Social Development (HHS) in the development of a multisectoral nutrition policy framework.
- The Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework aims to present a unified approach to mainstreaming nutrition investments across sectors to ultimately scale up the proportion of smart nutrition investments, especially in the five sectors that serve as underlying drivers of nutrition.
- The framework’s scope will be limited to the AU Member States, including the organs and structures established to implement the AU decisions.
- The services of a consultant are required to develop the policy framework in close consultation with an advisory Technical Group comprised of regional representatives from the AUC departments, United Nations (UN) agencies, AfDB, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and International Organizations with expertise in various sectors.
Purpose of the Consultancy
- This consultancy aims to develop a Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework that countries can deploy to guide the planning and execution of investments in nutrition at the national level and accelerate the achievement of the continental and global targets on nutrition.
Expected Deliverables
The following are the key deliverables for this assignment:
- Inception report describing the methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment, detailed outline of the policy framework, delivery timelines and risk assumptions, and a detailed plan of stakeholders to be consulted, including a schedule for the consultation with the RECs.
- A synthesis report on nutrition financing in Africa, with case studies from selected AU member countries.
- Draft multisectoral nutrition policy framework for comment and input by the advisory technical group
- A final draft of the multisectoral policy frameworks incorporating comments from the advisory technical group and the regional economic communities.
- Slide deck with a PowerPoint presentation of the process used and key highlights of the policy framework.
- Prospective consultants are invited to propose elements of methodology, data sources, and approaches to be used in undertaking the activities described in section three.
- The proposed methodology should include but not be limited to:
- Documents to be reviewed and the stakeholders to be consulted.
- Analytical approach and a detailed plan for consultations with critical stakeholders such as regional economic communities (RECs), technical partners, and relevant international organizations.
- Suggested timelines for undertaking the exercise to completion.
Consultant Qualifications
Interested consultants should meet the following qualifications:
- Minimum of a Master’s Degree in Economics, Social Development, Health Economics, Nutrition, Financing, Health Planning, Public Policy, or a closely related development field.
- A minimum of 10 years of work experience, of which 5 must have been in the public finance sector or a development institution.
- Extensive experience and knowledge of the nutrition financing landscape in Africa and the policy and strategy landscape of multisectoral nutrition programming.
- In-depth understanding of the planning and budget processes in Low- and Middle-income countries.
- Demonstrated experience in budget analysis and tracking, forecasting, and modeling.
- Ability to operate independently with limited supervision and to lead results- driven project teams and workgroups.
- Experience in developing technical policy documents and reports.
- Experience in leading teams of diverse cultural and professional backgrounds in a multilateral and multicultural setting.
- Good communication skills, both verbal and written.
- Strong attention to detail.
- Competence in using standard Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint).
- Fluency (written and spoken) in French or English. A good working knowledge of the other language will be an added advantage.
Place of Assignment:
- The consultant will be based at the Bank Headquarters in Abidjan. However, given the current restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, optional locational arrangements will be considered.
- The consultant will be based in the Agriculture, Human, and Social Development (AHVP) complex of the African Development Bank and will work under the direct supervision of the African Leaders for Nutrition (ALN) Coordinator while maintaining close consultation with the Technical Advisory Committee.
Time Schedule for Deliverables and Reporting Requirements:
- This activity will be undertaken over 80 days spread over 5 months (July to December 2023), and the estimated starting date is 10th July 2023 and completed no later than 31st December 2023.
Task Date:
- Commencement of Assignment: 10th July, 2023
- Please attach a consultancy profile related to the assignment.
- Please also submit a portfolio of work available for review that demonstrates policy analysis experience, policy evaluation and formulation, and expertise in nutrition investment.
- Applications without samples or working links to content will not be considered involved in the work.
- Submit a letter of expression of interest, including a financial proposal.
- Prospective consultants are invited to suggest the methodology and approach to be used in undertaking the activities
Application Closing Date
27th June, 2023.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Letters of Interest, Detailed Resume, and Detailed elaboration of relevant experience as outlined in “Required” above to Mrs. Faiza Ben via: Salah f.bensalah@afdb.org and copy Mr. George via: Ouma g.ouma@afdb.org specifically mentioning “REOI for
consultant to develop multisectoral nutrition policy framework” as the subject of the mail.
Click here for more information
Click here for the Job Description (PDF)
- The Agriculture, Human, and Social Development Complex (AHVP) invite consultants to indicate their interest in providing the above-described services.
- Interested Consultants shall provide information on their qualifications and experience demonstrating their ability to undertake this assignment by sending their
- The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a shortlist, and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s Procurement Policy and Procedure for Corporate Consultants Recruitment.
- Please, note that interest expressed by a consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the Bank to include him/her in the shortlist.
- The estimated duration of services is to be undertaken over 80 days spread across 6 months and completed no later than 31st December 2023, and the estimated starting date is 10th July 2023.
- Interested Consultants may obtain further information by sending requests to Mr.
- George Ouma via: g.ouma@afdb.org and Mrs. Faiza Ben Salah via: f.bensalah@afdb.org during the Bank’s working hours.
Establishment of the shortlist:
- A shortlist of three to six individual consultants will be established at the end of the request of expressions of interest. The consultants on the shortlist will be judged on the following criteria on the basis of their updated resumes.
- Evaluation Criteria – Weighting:
- General Qualifications and adequacy for the assignment to be undertaken – 30%
- Experience in the specific technical assignment described in terms of reference (ToRs) – 30%
- Samples of a portfolio of work is available for review that demonstrates public policy analysis, formulation evaluation experience, nutrition financing, and expertise in investment – 20%
- Experience with international development organizations and undertaking similar work in Africa – 20%
- Total – 100 %