UNICEF contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria with a mandate to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF’s Nigeria country programme: Aims to accelerate the realization of the rights of all children and women to survival, development, protection and participation. Promotes efforts to reduce infant, child and maternal mortality; expand access to quality basic education; and strengthen social and child protection systems. Uses a rights-based and gender-sensitive approach Plays a catalytic role in supporting federal, state and local governments in identifying key bottlenecks that hinder realization of the rights of disadvantaged children, supported by equity-focused, inclusive advocacy, planning, action and monitoring at all levels. Supports adolescent development.
- Job Type: Full Time
- Qualification: MBA/MSc/MA
- Experience: 5 years
- Location: Borno
- Job Field: NGO/Non-Profit
How can you make a difference?
Major tasks and responsibilities to be accomplished:
Provide technical oversight and support to the implementation of a community-based social and economic reintegration programme through systems strengthening approach
- Provide technical guidance and operational support to government counterparts, NGO partners, UN system partners and country office partners/donors on the development of a theory of change and strategic operational framework that will guide the actions of government entities, UNICEF partners and other relevant entities, in providing interim care services as well as social and economic reintegration assistance to children and women exiting armed groups.
- Technical and operational support throughout all stages of programming processes by guiding a variety of technical, programme, operational, and administrative transactions, preparing related materials and documentations, and complying with organizational processes and management systems, to support programme planning, results-based planning (RBM) and monitoring and evaluating of results.
- Support CPIE Manager to draft donor proposals and concepts to raise funds for child Protection Section.
- Arrange/coordinate availability of technical experts with Regional Office/HQ to ensure timely/appropriate support throughout the programming/projects process.
- Participate in child protection program meetings including program development and contingency planning discussions on emergency preparedness in the country or other locations designated to provide technical and operational information, advice and support.
- Draft policy papers, briefs and other strategic program materials for management use, information and/or consideration.
- Capacity building of the reintegration Technical Working Group and UNICEF partners and other reintegration partners to increase coverage of reintegration services to children and women formerly associated with armed groups.
- Provide inputs to UNICEF strategic sectoral programmatic documents and proposals and reports to donors related to Reintegration.
- Ensure quality CPiE programming, on children formerly associated with armed groups (CAAG), in line with established standards, guidelines and procedures, through technical leadership to country office.
Strengthen coordination and Networking
- Build and sustain effective close working partnerships with relevant government counterparts, national stakeholders and global partners/allies/donors/academia through active networking, advocacy, and effective communication to build capacity, exchange knowledge/expertise and to reinforce cooperation to achieve sustainable and broad results in child protection.
- Participate in the meetings related to children in emergency, including the Reintegration Technical working Group (RTWG), and any other relevant inter-agency working groups relevant to reintegration of children and women agenda in Nigeria.
- Ensure exchange of information, experience, identify new strategies and courses of action to accelerate/improve reintegration data collection, reporting and analysis. Conduct field visits to monitor programs and collect in formation as appropriate. Conduct periodic program reviews with Government counterparts and other partners.
- Collaborate in the preparation of communication and information materials to support efforts to prevent recruitment of children in armed conflict.
- Collaborate with other Programs to ensure linkages between Reintegration and other sectors.
Provide oversight of transitional justice mechanisms, peace building and reconciliation.
- Support development of context specific policy tools, guidance and strategic frameworks and approaches on transitional justice for children
- Support Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to establish Child Protection Unit to support children in contact with the Law (diversion programme) for children.
- Provide community-level reconciliation, peacebuilding and social cohesion through transformative dialogue and community engagement activities.
- Conduct community-based outreach activities on transitional justice (meetings, engagement and dialogue with traditional and community leaders, support community action on transitional justice)
Provide oversight over interim care arrangements, including IDFTR and alternative care.
- Provide interim care services to children and women in transit and interim care centers including PSS, Health, education, case management, family tracing and reunification and and GBV prevention and response services to children and women released from military custody and exiting armed groups.
- Build capacities of CP partners and Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development social workers to provide response and prevention service.
Strengthening of the MEAL framework for programme monitoring and accountability.
- Collaborate with MEAL team of UNICEF and the CP teams to establish monitoring benchmarks, performance indicators and other UNICEF/UN system indicators and measurement to assess/strengthen performance accountability, coherence, and delivery of concrete and sustainable results for the assigned sector in child protection programs.
- Participate in monitoring and evaluation exercises, program reviews and annual reviews with government and other counterparts to assess progress and to determine required action/interventions to achieve results.
- Monitor reintegration programs/projects through field visits, surveys and/or exchange of information with partners/stakeholders to assess progress, identify bottlenecks and potential problems and take timely decisions to resolve issues and/or refer to relevant officials for timely resolution.
- Prepare regular/mandated reintegration program/project reports for management, donors, and partners to keep them informed of program progress.
- In collaboration with the Information Management Officer, produce quarterly info graphs capturing numbers (disaggregated by sex) of children and women benefiting from reintegration support.
Provide oversight of the handover protocol and other instruments for the release of children formerly associated with armed groups and those in detention.
- Ensure overall planning and management of the child release and reintegration programme, including prevention of child recruitment and implementation of Action Plans with armed groups;
- Support the handover of children and women associated with non-state armed groups to state entities and to ensure their safe, supported safe return and reintegration and recovery from their experiences.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have
- An Advanced University degree in international development, human rights, psychology, sociology, economics, international law, and other social science field is required.
- A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in social development planning and management in child protection and/or other related areas at the international level some of which preferably were served in a developing country is required.
- Relevant experience in child protection, child reintegration, and related areas, program/project development, and management in a UN system agency or organization is an asset. Relevant experience in program development in Reintegration in a UN system agency or organization is considered an asset.
- Experience in both development and humanitarian contexts is an added advantage.
- Experience working in the UN system agency or UN organization is an asset.
- Proven ability to work independently under difficult conditions.
- Fluency in written and spoken English.
- Relevant experience in child protection, child reintegration, and related areas, program/project development, and management in a UN system agency or organization is an asset. Relevant experience in program development in child reintegration in a UN system agency or organization is considered an asset.
- Experience in working with community structures and/or religious groups and leaders on child protection including association of children with armed groups.
- Experience in protracted conflict environments such as that of the North- East Nigeria is a strong advantage. Knowledge of socio-economic, cultural, and community development issues in the North-East Nigeria and Lake Chad Basin region is an asset.