The Work in Progress! (WiP!) project, funded by The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been implemented since 2016. The project which is in its second phase (2020-2023) aims to create more employment and positive expectations about the future for young men and women in Nigeria, Egypt & Post-conflict Somaliland. The project is being implemented by a consortium of Venture Capital for Africa (VC4A), Butterfly Works, and Oxfam Novib.
In Nigeria, the project is been implemented by She Leads Africa (SLA), Poise Graduate and Communal Support Foundation (PGCSF), and Enterprise Development Center (EDC) with focus in Lagos, Edo, Nasarawa and geographical footprint across Nigeria.
For detailed goals and objectives of the project, please see Work in Progress! Alliance proposal.
For the RFQ click here
All proposal must be submitted via email to NGA.bid@oxfam.org with the subject “WiP Closeout Ceremony Performance Art”
Closing date: September 8, 2023.
Please Note:
That Oxfam as an international INGO is exempted from paying tax and VAT. Please consult FIRS rules while submitting your quotation.
- Total cost are subject to 5% withholding tax for individual and 10% for registered firms, in accordance with the Nigeria tax laws.
- Indicate validity of your quote