Tender Notice – NGA-RFP-004-25– Provision of Air Travel Agency Services at Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

NGA-RFP-004-25 – Provision of Air Travel Agency Services

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received a grant from Various Donors for the implementation of the humanitarian aid operation entitled in Nigeria. Part of this operation is for provision of Air travel Agency ServicesTherefore, the DRC requests you to submit your Price Bids. Please be guided by this RFP Invitation Letter

The Tender details are as follows:

LineItemTime, date, address as appropriate
1ITB published28/01/2025
2Closing date and time for receipt of Tenders11th February 2025

The following ITB/RFP Tenders are being Tendered through this Notification during the above Period:

  • This RFP is launched for the purpose of establishing a Purchase Agreement for the provision of Air travel Agency Services for a period of 12 months. 
  • An extension up to 12 months is possible with the request of Purchaser and approval from Service Provider. 
  • DRC may choose to split the contract award to more than one Service Provider. 
  • DRC may terminate the contract if Service Provider fails to deliver service as stated in the Purchase Agreement.
  • DRC may choose to cancel the agreement if deemed necessary.

To receive the Tender package please send an email tojacklin.umaru@drc.ngo  

with the Invitation to bid No. NGA-RFP-004-25   as subject of the email.

The ITB/RFP Document can be requested from the following DRC Office:

DRC Office:  DRC Abuja
Name:  Supply Chain Unit
Address: No 18 Nun Street Maitama Abuja

The Tender documents will provide the relevant information in detail, including date, time and place for submission of the tender.

Please Quote the following ITB/RFP No: in all communication NGA-RFP-004-25