UNICEF contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria with a mandate to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF’s Nigeria country programme: Aims to accelerate the realization of the rights of all children and women to survival, development, protection and participation. Promotes efforts to reduce infant, child and maternal mortality; expand access to quality basic education; and strengthen social and child protection systems. Uses a rights-based and gender-sensitive approach Plays a catalytic role in supporting federal, state and local governments in identifying key bottlenecks that hinder realization of the rights of disadvantaged children, supported by equity-focused, inclusive advocacy, planning, action and monitoring at all levels. Supports adolescent development.
- Job Type: Full Time
- Qualification: BA/BSc/HND , MBA/MSc/MA
- Experience: 7 years
- Location: Abuja
- Job Field: Procurement / Store-keeping / Supply Chain
How can you make a difference?
Management of the Supply team
- Prepare the annual work plan for the Supply team and the annual Supply Procurement and Distribution Plan for goods and services; determine priorities/targets and performance measurements and monitor work progress to ensure that results are achieved according to schedule and performance standards.
- Supervise and coach team members, ensure timely performance management of staff. In collaboration with Supply Division, Regional Office and the global supply community, ensure knowledge sharing and learning is prioritized in order to continuously build capacity of individuals and the team.
- In consultation with supervisor, ensure establishment and maintenance of operational capacity to handle CO supply chains, including staffing (appropriate staffing structure, timely recruitment, clarity of roles and responsibilities) and contracting of third-party services if applicable (e.g. customs clearance, warehousing, transport, distribution)
Supply chain service delivery and emergency response
- In consultation with supervisor, provide input to the Country Programme Action Planning and advice on Supply requirements for the Plan of Operations and Annual Work Plans. Ensure appropriate planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the supply chain operations, including establishment of performance indicators, and assessment of fit for purpose of products and services.
- Analyze supply spend and develop procurement strategies based on category management in order to focus on strategic, essential supplies and services that contribute to results for children, including establishment of long term agreements (LTAs) where relevant. Ensure effective procurement of goods, contracting of services and construction works, while maintaining the highest level of integrity, ethical standards and accountability.
- Ensure appropriate vendor management practices e.g. supply performance reviews are established and applied.
- Analyze supply dashboards, implementation rates of key performance indicators and supply information/data from various systems and conduct root cause analysis of supply chain bottlenecks and challenges, with a view to drive improvements and ensure efficient and effective supply chains for children.
- In consultation with supervisor, develop an emergency supply and institutional service contracting strategy based on risk assessment analysis and Programme assumptions. Ensure an emergency supply and institutional service contracting preparedness action plan for the CO is established in line with Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCC), and implemented (establishment of relevant LTAs and frame agreements for emergency response, prepositioning of stock, and training of staff in the country office).
- Participate in high level emergency coordination, implementation and monitoring meetings with internal and external partners and establish close collaboration with UN Procurement Network/Working Group if such is activated/existing.
- In collaboration with supervisor, establish strong working relations with Regional Chiefs of Supply/Regional Chief of Operations, as well as Supply Division, to align with global and regional approaches and initiatives in supply chain management.
Collaboration with programme and implementing partners
- In collaboration with supervisor, develop close collaboration with programme sections through involvement in programme design, planning, and preparation for implementation of supply components as well as monitoring and evaluation. Establish accountability framework with programmes, for delivery of results for children.
- Provide supply input to donor dialogue, and support development of supply components of proposals to donors including budgeting and use of innovative financing mechanisms for supplies, services and construction works.
- Support assessment of and collaboration with implementing partners including civil society, establishment of Programme Cooperation Agreements (PCAs), and monitoring of supply components under Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT).
- Develop and maintain partnership and collaborative relations with Government, UN organizations and bilateral counterparts in supply chain activities including harmonized and collaborative procurement.
Technical and advisory support to government/national systems
- Promote/drive supply chain strengthening and change management initiatives with governments and partners, to ensure efficient and effective supply chains for children.
- Provide input to capacity development initiatives in the area of supply chains for children, in close collaboration with programme colleagues. Support supply components of health systems strengthening as might be relevant in the country context.
- Advisory support to Governments/national systems in defining and determining supply solutions for children, such as use of procurement services; supply financing solutions; local market development; private sector engagement.
Innovation, products and markets
- Contribute to pilots and support the actual roll-out of new products and services, in close collaboration with Supply Division.
- Promote critical thinking, innovative approaches and good practices on supply chain management within the organization as well as with externals to ensure effective and efficient supply chains for children.
- Further to analysis of supply spend and related procurement strategies, in collaboration with supervisor run initiatives to ensure local market development where relevant.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
- An advanced university degree is required in Business Administration, Management, Economics, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Procurement, Contract/Commercial Law, International Development, Health or related social science field, or relevant first-level university degree (Bachelor’s) in conjunction with a valid relevant professional certification is required.
- A first level university degree (Bachelor’s) in a relevant technical field (as identified above), in conjunction with seven (7) years of relevant work experience in supply, logistics, procurement, contracting, administration and/or other directly related technical field, may be taken in lieu of an advanced university degree.
- A minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience, at the national and international levels, in supply, logistics, procurement, contracting, administration and/or other directly related technical fields is required.
- Understanding of development and humanitarian work.
- Emergency experience an advantage.
- Health supply chain management experience an advantage.