- Generalities
REGIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMME – Disaster risk management in the Southwest zone of the’Indian Ocean 2023-2024
Object of the mission
Development of’a training service offer for the PIROI Center
Location of the mission
The Reunion
Responsible for the mission
Responsible training and research
Desired start date
Desired date of end
Date of delivery of deliverables
2. Introduction
- Background of the consultancy mission
PIROI is a tool of the French Red Cross attached to the Directorate of International Operations (DOI) which has been conducting since 2000 a regional disaster risk management program (RCMP) in the South-West zone of the’Indian Ocean. As part of its program, the platform carries out actions to strengthen its National Member Societies, prepare the actors of the area and respond to crises, including, as well as disaster risk reduction through awareness raising.
The PIROI is made up of various members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement :
- The Comorian Red Crescent,
- The French Red Cross,
- The Malagasy Red Cross,
- The Maurice Red Cross, Mauritius,
- The Mozambique Red Cross, the,
- The Seychelles Red Cross,
- The Tanzanian Red Cross,
- International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC)
- The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Based in Reunion Island, PIROI makes it possible to concentrate skills and resources as close as possible to vulnerable areas and thus to increase reactivity and flexibility in the face of disasters.
The strategic framework 2021-2025 of the PIROI – French Red Cross includes 4 axes and a facilitating action through the construction of the PIROI Center :
- The knowledge and skills of disaster risk management actors are being improved with regard to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
- The capacities of disaster risk management actors are strengthened in the management of risks related to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
- The populations of the Southwest of the’Indian Ocean are better informed, resilient and prepared for the risks related to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
- Populations affected by a disaster related to natural hazards and health crises have access to an emergency assistance’ meeting their priority needs.
Facilitating action – construction of the PIROI Center :
Both the result of the constant evolution of the PIROI missions and the response to the growing challenge of disaster risk management in a global context marked by climate change, PIROI initiated the development of’a Regional Centre for’expertise, Training and’innovation: the PIROI Center. It will enable’ to achieve its goal of reducing the impact of natural hazards-related disasters, health crises and the effects of climate change on SIDS[1] in the South-West zone of the’Indian Ocean and in a broader way to French-speaking actors
To this end, the PIROI Center develops the PIROI service offer, already initiated since 2017 and which will continue its amplification over the next few years until the’ installation of the Platform in the new building of the PIROI Center which will include in particular 4 rooms dedicated to training and a field to conduct simulation exercises.
Thus, the architectural design and construction of the new building, act as a lever of’action and mobilization, facilitating the implementation of the 4 strategic axes.
[1] Small island developing states
- Project overview
As a result of this strategy, skills consolidation and training are priority areas of the PIROI programme. Since 2000, more than 250 short face-to-face training courses for more than 5,000 learners coming from twenty countries, mainly from the Indian Ocean – Africa region of’est have been carried out, including, responding to the issues related to the preparation, awareness and management of natural risks. All these activities implemented by PIROI benefit from the technical collaboration of the Red Cross /Red Crescent Movement, and partnerships with technical actors in the fields of continuing and vocational training, as well as in the technical sectors of disaster risk management
Moreover, with this experience in continuing training, and convinced that’a regional and concerted action is fundamental in the training of young people, PIROI has partnered with’University of Reunion to develop a Regional Master dedicated to the management of environmental risks and whose first promotion was opened in 2020.
Nevertheless, the observation was made of a lack of training available on specific skills in disaster risk management and crisis management both with institutional actors, and, humanitarian and civil society organizations in the region.
During the’ exercise of development of its strategic framework in 2019, the PIROI has conducted a first market study of the sector of certifying vocational training – French – in order to analyze the needs and opportunities in the field of development of humanitarian skills in the Indian ocean region. The main conclusions of the’ study demonstrate that the PIROI – CRF benefits from a strong credibility with the actors of the region as well as the relevance of setting up training courses in view of the needs not covered, in particular on methodological, managerial and disaster risk management skills.
The main focus of this study aimed at consolidating partnerships between PIROI and certified training organizations such as Bioforce in order to jointly develop a training offer was carried out. Moreover, PIROI wishes to include in its strategy the development of’a reinforced offer of certifying training “PIROI Center”.
In view of the next strategic framework 2025-2030, PIROI wishes to carry out a study in order to develop a training offer for disaster risk management actors in small island states of the Indian Ocean, namely, including French overseas territories, and francophone states of’Afrique.
3. General and specific objectives of the consultancy mission
- General objective of the consultancy mission
Develop a’action plan for the implementation of’a new training offer from the PIROI Center for the actors of the management of disaster risks in the framework of the next strategic exercise (20252030).
- Specific objectives of the consultancy mission
- Analysis of the needs and development opportunities of’paid training activities for’actors external to Reunion Island and in the region of the’ Indian Ocean on the reinforcement of skills of institutional actors, including, humanitarian and civilian disaster risk management.
- Formalization of’a plan of action including a business plan of the formation PIROI Center d’ after the needs analysis, integrating the coordination with the regional program PIROI.
- Proposals for internal organisational development (organigram, allocation of human resources, necessary training centre accreditation schemes) according to the proposed’ action plan.
4. Methodology of the consultancy mission
The consultant(a) consultant(e) is free to propose the methodology that seems to him adapted and in line with the objectives and deliverables expected.
Languages :
Deliverables will be produced in French.
5. Expected results of the consultancy mission
The PIROI – French Red Cross is developing a training service offer as part of its 2025-2030 fiscal year within the PIROI Center, for institutional actors, private and CSOs on the themes of disaster risk management by equipping themselves with appropriate HR, organizational and statutory resources.
6. Expected deliverables
> Framing report – as of June 3, 2024
> Description of the methodology
> Chronogram
> List of people to be interrogated
> Proposal of formats of’tools
> Identification of strategic development issues of the PIROI Center
> Corpus of documents /publications used in the documentary review
> Offer of services – 22 July 2024
> Proposal of’service offer according to identified needs and opportunities
> Business plan for the development of the’service offer
> List of strategic and operational partners
> Plan d’action – 16 September 2024
> Detailed’action plan including strategic orientations for’exercise 2025-2030
> Organizational plan for the training and research department (including HR and statutory dimensioning).
> Final report – 30 September 2024
Complete’assessment report in French, respecting the graphic charter of the CRF.
With regard to refunds :
> Support of restitution synthesizing the conclusions of the’evaluation (+ dashboards)
> Workshop of restitution
7. Organization of the consultancy and chronogram
Throughout the process, the (a) consultant(e) will report regularly on the progress of its work to the Head of Training and Research. At least 4’ stage meetings will have to be organized in the presence of the members of the steering committee.
The steering committee of the’study will be composed of :
- the Training and Research Manager of PIROI
- deputy Head of Delegation
- the French Red Cross training mission manager DOI (technical reference CRF)
- An external partner to identify
Depending on the’ agenda other participants may be mobilized (partners PIROI, institutional partner, logistics department..).
In addition, PIROI is sponsoring other strategic review consultancies during the same period of time. The (the) consultant.(e) will be led(e) to collaborate with these interlocutors in order to feed the reflections and coordinate the proposed strategy.
A period of 5 months is envisaged for the realization of this study. Final deliverables must be delivered no later than 2 weeks after the end of the’study.
The(a) consultant(e) must propose a number of days/man in its technical and financial proposal.
The chronogram of the mission must be proposed in its technical offer.
The beginning of the consultation is desired to count of 6 may 2024.
8. Dealing with offers
Consultant.e.s profile
- Autonomy and initiative
- Good analytical and synthetic mind
- Good writing abilities
- Ability to collaborate in teams
- Diplomacy and patience
Skills and knowledge required
- Expertise, knowledge and experience in adult education
- Expertise, knowledge in Disaster Risk Management
- Experience in organizational development, preferably in the humanitarian sector
- Good knowledge of the context of the Indian Ocean’ is an asset
- Knowledge of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is an asset
- Knowledge of PIROI is an asset
- French language (very good written and oral expression required)
Administrative clauses
- The tenderer accepts that his contact details are listed in the Consultants database of the French Red Cross
- The tenderer must provide proof when submitting the regularity of his economic activity (tax documents, registration, etc, registration as self-employed – depending on the country of reference where the bidder is established).
- The provider must provide the necessary means for the’ performance of his service whether they are material or human: tickets of’avion, computer, insurance in professional civil liability, visa.
- He can delegate part of the mission, within his teams, to the employee of his choice, but he remains the only hierarchical and disciplinary authority concerning his employees. The provider must ensure security, and as such ensure the consultants sent on a mission.
How to apply
’ expression of interest
- The consultant must submit a technical and financial offer for his performance
- L’technical offer must include: the CV, portfolio and/or detailed references of experiments and research related to the’assessment, the proposed methodology and a detailed timeline
- Le budget should present the’ all the costs related to the realization of the three phases of the consultancy : possible trips to and from Reunion Island, as well as travel within the department and living expenses (accommodation, catering, communications costs, etc.).
- The indicated price of the service must bear the mention ‘ferme, global, fixed and definitive’
- L’offre must be addressed to the’email address: piroi.achat@croix-rouge.fr
with the’the following title : ‘OFFRE CONSULTANCE FORMATION PIROI CENTER_NAME Firstname’
- Deadline for submission offers : 15/04/2024 at 00h (meeting time)