Senior Program Liaison – ECOWAS At DAI Global

DAI Global

Scope of Work

Senior Program Liaison for ECOWAS

POSITION: Senior Program Liaison – ECOWAS

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: 2023 – life of project (up to 5 years)


LOCATION: Abuja, Nigeria


1. Project Background

DAI Global is implementing a five-year, USAID program in West Africa. The program supports the efforts of West Africans to address the risks of instability from democratic backsliding and from conflict, and prioritizes targeted governance, conflict and violence prevention, peacebuilding, and preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) interventions across the region. The program will engage with regional partners, such as ECOWAS, and with governments and non-government institutions to address causes of fragility, and focus on good governance approaches, conflict prevention and response, and P/CVE interventions across select target countries in the Sahel and across Coastal West Africa.

2. Position Description

The Senior Program Liaison (SPL)-ECOWAS will serve as the main interlocutor with the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) representatives and stakeholders and provide technical guidance to ensure the integration of strategies and activities of the program. Furthermore, the SPL-ECOWAS will work closely with the Chief of Party (COP), Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) – Technical, and the USAID/West Africa Mission to guide day-to-day technical implementation with ECOWAS and ensure technical cohesion between the program and ECOWAS priorities and needs.

3. Tasks & Responsibilities

The following comprise main responsibilities of the Senior Program Liaison to ECOWAS:

  • Develop and strengthen collaboration and coordination with ECOWAS stakeholders and key representatives for the purpose of meeting the program’s objectives.
  • Lead the development and implementation of program activities with ECOWAS and provide technical support to ECOWAS representatives and other key stakeholders.
  • Ensure continued visibility of the program with the ECOWAS representatives, contribute to informing the program’s approach and strategy and ensure integration and alignment between the program and ECOWAS priorities and needs.
  • Strengthen collaboration and coordination mechanisms for actors at the national and country levels in ECOWAS countries.
  • Lead initiatives, where necessary, per the guidance from, and at the direction of USAID/West Africa, to strengthen civil society, citizen and other partners engagement with ECOWAS.
  • Support in the project’s reporting, learning, monitoring and evaluation activities.
  • Coordinate with other ongoing USAID activities and donor projects to create synergies and target program interventions to fill gaps and bolster existing efforts.
  • Work with the program’s MEL/CLA Director to develop action plans that align with the program’s objectives, as well as relevant components of regional ECOWAS strategies.

4. Qualifications

  • Minimum of a bachelor’s degree and at least 5 years of relevant experience and expertise in collaborating and coordinating with ECOWAS.
  • Proven technical expertise in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and/or good governance on USAID-funded programs.
  • In depth understanding of ECOWAS mandate and functions and ability to effectively function in West Africa’s political, cultural, and social landscape. Demonstrated experience working in the West Africa region required.
  • Demonstrated ability to create and maintain effective working relations with diverse stakeholders including regional institutions, government stakeholders, non-governmental organizations, and local communities. Prior experience with ECOWAS required.
  • Demonstrated experience and/or familiarity with managing grants.
  • Fluency in French and English required.

About DAI:

DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, EU, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine and project operations worldwide. We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability.

DAI works on the frontlines of global development. Transforming ideas into action—action into impact. We are committed to shaping a more livable world.

DAI and its employees are committed to confronting racism and holding ourselves accountable for positive change within the company and in the communities, cultures, and countries in which we live and work. DAI is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner.

DAI upholds the highest ethical standards. We are committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment as well as other ethical breaches. All our positions are therefore subject to stringent vetting and reference checks.

À propos de DAI :

DAI est une société de développement mondiale avec des bureaux aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, dans l’Union européenne, au Nigeria, au Pakistan et en Palestine et des opérations de projet dans le monde entier. Nous nous attaquons aux problèmes fondamentaux de développement social et économique causés par l’inefficacité des marchés, l’inefficacité de la gouvernance et l’instabilité.

DAI travaille en première ligne du développement mondial. Transformer les idées en action, l’action en impact. Nous sommes déterminés à façonner un monde plus vivable.

DAI et ses employés s’engagent à lutter contre le racisme et à se tenir responsables des changements positifs au sein de l’entreprise et dans les communautés, les cultures et les pays dans lesquels nous vivons et travaillons. DAI s’engage à attirer et à retenir les meilleurs employés de toutes les races et de tous les horizons dans le cadre de nos efforts continus pour devenir un meilleur partenaire de développement.

DAI respecte les normes éthiques les plus élevées. Nous nous engageons à prévenir l’exploitation, les abus et le harcèlement sexuels, ainsi que d’autres manquements à l’éthique. Tous nos postes sont donc soumis à des vérifications rigoureuses et à des vérifications de références.

How to apply


Application Instructions:

Select the position in which you are interested in applying for, fill out the required information and upload CV. Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as interviews will be conducted soon. Please note, due to the volume of applications that we receive and the urgency to fill-up positions only shortlisted applicants will receive notifications on next steps.