RFQ 042_Construction of Labour Cost-Reinforced Concrete Bridge At Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps

Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

Program Title: Contributing to the Mitigation of Conflict Over Natural Resources Between Farmers and Herder Communities in Taraba and Adamawa States, Nigeria (COMITAS – II).

Procurement of Construction Labour Cost for the proposed

Contract Title: Four-Span Reinforced Concrete Bridge at LAU- A Ward, Lau LGA, Taraba State.

Project Location(s): Gadan Hoto – Hoto Community, Lau – A Ward, Lau LGA, Taraba State.


Mercy Corps has been present in Nigeria since 2012, focusing its interventions on humanitarian assistance, economic recovery and development, and conflict mitigation and peacebuilding. Considering the protracted conflicts between farmer and herder communities in Adamawa State, Nigeria, competing claims to land, water and other natural resources are at the root of these growing tensions. Indeed, pressure on natural resources has increased due to demographic growth, expanding human settlements, privatization of land, year-round farming practices, environmental degradation, and climate change. In many instances, traditional conflict resolution mechanisms that significantly mitigate these resource-based conflicts locally have become overwhelmed. Besides, low levels of trust in authorities by communities due to widespread inaction, impunity, and perceived biases or reactive responses by the government to shared natural resource conflicts complicate the tensions further. Through funding from the EU, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Search for Common Ground (Search), and Mercy Corps have designed a comprehensive and integrated approach (COMITAS) that builds on the comparative strengths of each organization to contribute to the mitigation of conflicts over natural resources between farmer and herder communities. This program is developed around 4 interconnected objectives: strengthen traditional conflict resolution; improve trust in authorities; enhance collaboration on natural resource management and improve intra and inter-communal perceptions.

Mercy Corps is leading the implementation of objective 3, which focuses on enhancing collaboration on natural resource management. Mercy Corps has supported the communities to formulate concrete action plans to improve resource management. The action plans build on existing local plans and integrate tools

Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

that are successfully being used in the local government area and are linked to the planning of natural and community resources at the grassroots level. The action plans form the basis of concrete actions and projects that will demonstrate the benefits of cooperation between and among communities, enhance trust, and support improved natural resource management. In this instance, Priorities from the plans have now identified Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) agreements through water infrastructure projects.

Following the series of action planning activities, the LAU-A ward as a part of the concrete solutions selected the proposed vehicular bridge (40m) that links the entire ward to their farms and grazing areas, which are the hot spots for conflicts, construction of the bridge is believed by both parties (Herders/Farmers) to prevent future and de-escalate current disputes as lack of access to resolve early warning and address transhumance activities will be checked.

The Proposed Project Overview

A bridge is a structure made of sub and superstructures, built over physical obstacles such as a water body, valleys, gullies, rocks, or roads, aimed to provide a crossing over the obstacle(s). The proposed four-span reinforced concrete bridge project is proposed for siting at Gadan – hoto- hoto at Lau LGA, Taraba State aimed at declining the conflicts between the herders and farmers due to lack of access to the over 90% of farming and grazing areas across the gully, the bridge will have elements such as a cyclopean base, piles, piers, in-situ abutment and wing walls, retaining walls, bearing pad, girders, deck, precast parapet and handrails. Through direct implementation and by engaging the community members, the selected civil engineering contractor will execute the project using the guiding notes, structural analysis information, and civil work designs.

The project entails the engagement of labor for the construction of a single-lane vehicular bridge spanning 40 meters with four spans of 10 meters each. The bridge will have a cyclopean base, combining large irregularly shaped stones in layers embedded in concrete to provide a robust foundation. Reinforced concrete will be utilized for the bridge structure to ensure durability and longevity.

Project Phases: The construction works for the LAU -A bridge will be implemented in three phases as outlined below:

  1. Pre-Construction Phase:
    1. Site clearance and perimeter setting
    2. Obtain necessary permits and approvals from regulatory authorities.

Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

  • Road diversion Planning and markings for vehicles and caution signs placement
  • Develop comprehensive construction plans incorporating the cyclopean base design.
  • Construction Phase:
    • Clear the construction site and establish access routes for construction vehicles.
    • Mobilize required equipment and personnel to the site.
    • Divert Traffic and install road work signage and restriction lines.
    • Excavate foundations for bridge abutments and piers, considering the cyclopean base design.
    • Prepare the cyclopean base by combining large stones with concrete for stability.
    • Construct formwork for the reinforced concrete bridge deck and support structures.
    • Place reinforced steel bars according to design specifications for enhanced strength.
    • Pour concrete for abutments, piers, and bridge deck, ensuring proper curing even after a stage is concluded for 21 days by placing wetting brown fiber sacks for 3 weeks. Ensure every undertaken concrete works casting is completed on the same date for each form works prepared. Avoid halfway casting at all costs. Provide alternative equipment in case of any breakdown.
    • Install the single-lane surface (deck 3.5m) for vehicular traffic.
    • Erect bridge hand railings and safety barriers for user protection.
    • Conduct regular quality inspections and material testing throughout construction; concrete cube tests at 7,14,21 and 28 days, sand and coarse aggregates, concrete mix design
  • Post-Construction Phase:
    • Perform final inspection for quality assurance and compliance with design standards.
    • Obtain necessary certifications and approvals for bridge opening.
    • Provide operation and maintenance manuals for bridge maintenance.
    • Deliver record drawings and documentation for future reference.

4.  Key Deliverables:

  1. Constructed single-lane four-span (40m x3.5m) vehicular bridge with cyclopean base.
    1. Construction drawings, as-built drawings, and documentation.
    2. Quality assurance reports and material testing results.
    3. Certifications and approvals for safe bridge operation.
    4. Operation and maintenance manuals for bridge upkeep.

Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

5.  Key responsibilities – Labor contractor:
 1. Undertake the construction works as guided by the design submitted
2. Provide the required tools, equipment, and machinery required to execute the work to a successful completion.
This includes but is not limited to the following: Excavators, rollers, concrete mixers, vibrators, spades, etc
3. Provide required personnel, skilled and non-skilled labor
4. Curing
5. Follow through the Nigeria building standards and compliance throughout the construction phase
6. Key responsibilities – Mercy Corps will:
 •   Provide all construction materials
• Inspection of the works and quality control
7. Safety and Compliance:
 • Adherence to strict safety protocols and regulations throughout construction activities.
Compliance with local building codes, design standards, and environmental regulations. Implementation of safety measures to safeguard workers and the general public.
•       All required information should be checked in the general note sections, civil works design and on the structural
analysis documents attached. • Security and storage for all supplied construction materials
8. Timeline: 
 • The estimated construction timeline for the project is 8 weeks maximum.
Quality Assurance: Continuous quality inspections and material testing to ensure construction meets design specifications.
• Compliance with industry standards and best practices for durable and safe bridge construction.
9. Project Team:
  • Civil engineers
  • Structural 
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Builder
  • Land Surveyor
  • Quantity surveyor
  • Certified Artisan’s Welder, Carpender, Iron fixer, Machine Grade -H driver licensed Operators

Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

10.  Hand Over & Sustainability:
The inauguration of the maintenance team and handover ceremony was led by Mercy Corps and supported by the consortium partners.

Supplier Eligibility Criteria:

  1. A copy of the business registration document (3 years and above of registration and 2 years of business operation)
  2. A copy of any category(verifiable) of the under-listed documents (Technical Skill MoV and proof of related work experiences):
    1. Road/Bridge (not less than 30m) Structural Designs/ Construction Process images of the design/Payment MoV, GPS coordinate for a satellite view of the completed bridge.
    2. Road /bridge construction award letter /Service Completion certificate, images of the work process, completed images, and GPS coordinates for a satellite view.
  3. Submission of the focal engineer’s educational and professional body qualifications, and a letter stating the engineer’s willingness to interpret structural analysis/ Civil designs when invited to a remote meeting.
  4. A complete civil works construction team with educational certificates and updated licenses and professional body certifications of Civil/Building, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers, Land Surveyors,

Geotechnical Engineers, Architect Certified Artisans, and- class-licensed earth-moving machine – Drivers.

  • Proof of funds to execute the contract
  • Must be fraud-free and never convicted of grave professional misconduct 

Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

Document Submittals:

The following documents will be required for submission for Technical Evaluation

  1. CAC certificate of registration /and company profile – 2 pages max
    1. Documents of similar work experience (MoVs for Road and Bridge design and construction)
    2. (Road/Bridge (bridge not less than 30m); Structural Designs/ Construction Process images of the design/Payment evidence, GPS coordinate for a satellite view of the completed bridge.) or
    3. Road /bridges construction award letter /Service Completion certificate, images of the work process

and completed images, and GPS coordinates for a satellite view. Or

  • Key personnel CV (2 pages max per personnel): Educational and professional – body licenses and certificates of construction team: Civil/Building, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers, Land Surveyors, Geotechnical Engineers, Architecture, Certified Artisans, & H – class-licensed earthmoving machine – Drivers. (Up-to-date license and certificates)
    • Cover letters stating the willingness of the focal engineer to interpret structural analysis/ Civil designs when invited (It could be at short notice and educational and professional body qualifications/Cover letter of consenting to work with local community members where and when appropriate for labor.
  • A work plan showing the right construction methodology for a highand low current river flow, outlining

a detailed process for the substructure and superstructure.

  • Price Offering

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation CriteriaWeight (%)Possible Points  (1 to 10)Weighted Score
CAC registration certificate (minimum 3-year registration and operation / Organizational Profile, with 4 years  10%3 year and above – 10 

The Scope of Work for the Construction of a Four -Span Vehicular Reinforced Concrete Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

  2yrs – 6 1yrs – 3 Less than 1 – 0 
Evidence of relevant project experience and technical abilities to show execution of similar works in the past (Attach any of the three underlisted documents). Bidder to attach evidence for at least one project  45%    
Letter of project award / contract / Purchase order for a bridge not less than 30m span  If attached – 3 points 
Signed Service completion / Payment certificateIf attached – 3 points 
Bridge design (not less than 30m span)/as-built process image/Photos, GPS coordinates for satellite view etcIf attached – 3 points 
General construction experience (any 1 attachment)1 point 
A detailed work plan, stating the start and completion time, preceding and succeeding work components, and activity – overlaps, outlining the correct construction methodology for high and for low current river flow situations (substructure – Superstructure).  15%5 – 6 weeks – 8 points 7 – 10 weeks – 5 Above 10 weeks – 0 Additional two (2) points shall be awarded to any points scored from above (If an alternative work plan are submitted for high river current) 

The Scope of Work for the Construction of a Four -Span Vehicular Reinforced Concrete Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

Price offer for implementing the project10%Lowest bid/bid offer x100 (reducing balance method)  
CVs/professional body certificates/licenses of the company team. Civil engineers Structural  Mechanical Builder Land Surveyor Quantity surveyor Certified artisans’ – welder, Carpenter, iron fixer, machine Grade – H driver licensed Operators 15%Any 4 disciplines Any 4 disciplines – 8 points Any 3 disciplines – 6 points  Any 2 discipline – 4 points Any 1 discipline – 2 points No CVs – 0 Additional 2 points will be added for certified artisans 
A letter stating willingness to engage community members as appropriate/ Cover letters stating the willingness of the focal engineer to interpret structural analysis/ Civil designs when invited5%Letter Attached – 10pts No Letter Attached – 0 point 

Payment Terms:

The Scope of Work for the Construction of a Four -Span Vehicular Reinforced Concrete Bridge, With A Cyclopean Base in Taraba State.

Additional Requirements

Note that any Materials to be installed on-site shall be verified and approved before installation, also necessary changes, or improvements, shall be authorized by MCN technical staff in writing. Therefore, the applicant is advised to visit the site at their own cost before submitting the bid to avoid any potential price increase demands.

Procurement Method:

Request for proposal method shall be used.

Application Timeframe:  

 13th Aug 2024- 19th Aug 2024


Interested contractors should download BOQ, RFQ and SOW via this link www.mcnigeria.com/tenders

Application Submission site ng-yolquotations@mercycorps.org using “RFQ 042_Construction of Labour Cost-Reinforced Concrete Bridge at Lau-A Ward Lau LGA Taraba State” as the subject of the email.