Responsable Laboratoire Volant – Chad – H/F At ALIMA

ALIMA International NGO


L’history of ALIMA programs in CHAD : Chad faces a complicated security situation in view of the regular incursions of’ex Boko-Haram (current Islamic State in West Africa’). ALIMA began its activities in Chad in 2012 in partnership with the Chadian medical NGO Health Alert. In 2012, the project in the N’Gouri health district in the Lake health region was implemented with support from ECHO, UNICEF and WFP. This project S’ continued during 2013 and 2014 during which the focus was on improving the quality of care, including, a major challenge in Chad is given the difficulties in mobilizing qualified medical skills. In 2015, 6,500 SAM children were taken care of, including 724 children with medical complications,hospitalized at the N’Gouri District Hospital UNT. In addition, a pediatric component was also integrated into the action of AS / Alima in N’gouri, which provided 8,606 children in pediatric consultation and 419 in hospitalization. Due to the significant medical deficiencies in the Lake region and the worrying nutritional situation ( the WHO alert threshold of 2% is exceeded ), ALIMA/AS will continue its action in the 12 health areas of the Ngouri District in 2016. From 2016, the project in 2016 took care of MAS and MAM children in 12 health areas, to set up a PB-mothers component as well as a wash in Nut component. This volume of activity continued to increase. Since April 2013, ALIMA / AS have also supported the management of MAS in N’Djamena thanks to the support of ECHO.Prior to the implementation of this ALIMA/AS project, only the dispensary of Notre Dame des Apostles in the Southern District offered free treatment for malnutrition in the capital. With two years of’activities, the project has shown the extent of the problem of malnutrition in urban areas (in N’Djamena the SAM rate reaches 2.8%). In 2015, the project took care of 16,490 MAS children on an outpatient basis, including 3,330 in hospital at the’Hospital of’Amity Chad-China. A workshop on the management of severe acute malnutrition in urban areas was also organized. In 2016, the outpatient management of MAS in the first 4 UNAs and in hospital in 1 UNT will continue.In addition, a training center will be set up within the’UNT in order to provide training to doctors, nurses, nurses, nutritional agents wishing to strengthen their capacities in the field of the management of SAM. In these two projects ALIMA/AS work in collaboration with local and national health authorities and many training sessions are organized. In addition to these two regular projects ALIMA and Health Alert have also implemented two’ emergency interventions in 2014 to respond quickly to the influx of refugees and returnees from the Central African Republic. At the Gaoui camp, ALIMA/As provided primary care and screening and care for MAS, with support from’UNICEF. D’, on the other hand, community health and’eau activities,hygiene and sanitation were conducted in the Doyaba camp, with a hospital component of secondary care management at the’ Sarh District Hospital, Sarh, thanks to the support of’Ambassade de France. Malnutrition consequently weakens the state of health of children and exposes them to malaria and diarrhoea. In N’Djamena, this results in a high proportion of diarrhoea among SAM children admitted to structures supported by ALIMA and appears to significantly increase the probability of mortality. In front of the’inexistence of’alternatives allowing to better understand the’ local epidemiology of diarrheal pathogens, ALIMA is considering the highly promising’option from 2016-2017 to use qualitative molecular diagnostics through the Biofire system, which will,in order to evaluate the infectious causes of acute diarrhoea in SAM children with complications,’ thus improve drug prescriptions and therefore the treatment of these patients. A research project is therefore under way within the’UNT of the’HATC. Following an evaluation conducted by the’ALIMA teams from April 25 to May 02, 2018 in Bagassola including a visit to the mobile clinic sites of MSF Switzerland highlighting the needs of term of health nutrition, gap at the level of the health district of Liwa and the lack of positioning of’humanitarian actors who can resume activities, ALIMA intends to support the DS de Liwa in the field of health and nutrition.The’action objective aims to contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality among displaced and indigenous populations in the health district of Liwa, France, through the establishment of’a mobile clinic and the medical-nutritional care of children under 5 years suffering from SAM.

PLACE OF MISSION: N’Djamena, Republic of Chad ( with 80% of land travel )


The incumbent will occupy a position of flying laboratory manager; Therefore, the verification of the criminal record will be necessary.

Level 3: As part of its functions, the person or persons in charge of operations supports will have to visit the programs and be in contact with children or/and vulnerable adults. Consequently, the verification of the criminal record or the presentation of a certificate of good life and morals will be necessary. In situations where the impossibility of providing a criminal record or a certificate of good life and morals is noted, a declaration on honor will be requested.


He/she reports to the Medical Coordinator

He/she has as a technical reference the lab referent and sec transfusion headquarters

He/she collaborates with the referring doctors, the quality of care manager, the pharmacy manager of the mission.


The/the flying laboratory manager is responsible for defining, implement and monitor all laboratory activities and blood transfusion at the project level of its mission in accordance with the protocols accepted by the medical service as well the national protocols and guidelines of Niger. He (she) will be in charge of training the laboratory managers of the ministry of health, laboratory technicians as well as clinicians (doctors and nurses) working in ALIMA-supported health facilities for all aspects related to laboratory and transfusion practice.

As such, he/she answers all questions relating to sampling, transport of samples, analyses, disposal of waste arising from analyses as well as on’hemovigilance.

He/she’ ensures the supply and availability and quality of the reagents and accessories necessary for the performance of the analyses in the laboratory of each project as well as those necessary for transfusion practice.


  • Supervise the project laboratories
  • Train the laboratory managers of the Ministry of Health on the use and maintenance of equipment present in their respective laboratories
  • Ensure through its managerial expertise to contribute to the development of’a technical staff at the national level to implement and monitor all laboratory and transfusion activities at the national level level of mission projects
  • Ensure compliance of all laboratory tests for patients
  • Ensure the quality of blood products in international standards and compliance with the national blood transfusion policy
  • Identify the needs and give technical support for the’ elaboration of orders
  • Coordinate and structure the activities of each project visited in terms of laboratory, provide analytical expertise and support to teams
  • Implement preventive maintenance of laboratory equipment
  • Strengthen national (local) skills through a training and coaching plan.
  • Propose avenues of’ improvement in the processes of laboratory services
  • Organize the teams and the circuit within each laboratory in development the adapted techniques ;


A/Bank of blood

  • Support referring physicians and project coordinators to work on mobilizing local authorities and community leaders to mobilize the community for voluntary blood donation
  • To teach and support laboratory managers to organize voluntary blood donation campaigns on a regular basis
  • Lead the teams of laboratories to ensure the biological qualification of blood products by serological and immuno-hematological tests in accordance with the guidelines of’OMS and the National Center for Blood Transfusion in Niger
  • Collaborate with the’ medical team of each project for the realization of the ultimate control test in bed of the patient

B/Analyses of Lab exams

  • Establishment of a minimum lab and complementary package according to the availability of financial resources.
  • Accompany the teams of the laboratories of the projects to set up a’quality assurance approach to execute the requests of’exams labo of the projects.
  • Teach lab teams to deliver results in good timing
  • Ensure biosecurity procedures in the laboratory department
  • Support referring physicians and IHRs on the management of anomalies or difficulties encountered during the’ execution of analyses
  • To make available the different normal values of the examinations requested (Biochemistry, haematology, ionogram, NFS.).

C/Stock management of lab items

  • Carry out regular inventories of lab items
  • Follow up on the expiry dates of the reagents and items of the blood transfusion
  • Carry out preventive maintenance through the implementation of a d’ maintenance plan of lab equipment.
  • Collaborate with other services in the identification of any lab device (glucometer, hemocue.) and their quality control.

D/Order of laboratory items

  • Contribute to the definition of project budgets and planning by standardizing and valuing the different activities of the laboratory component
  • Anticipate the order of lab items
  • Control the average monthly consumption of lab items
  • Offer loans or donation to the referring doctor of the different items according to need

E/Monitoring, analysis and reporting

  • Conduct audits on the compliance with standard operating procedures as defined in the SOP manuals
  • Monitor the sector’s performance indicators and propose leads to project teams in an improvement approach ;
  • S’sensure of the good maintenance of different tools of data collection (registers, notebook, …)
  • Evaluate the quality of the data collected and the maintenance of different registers
  • Actively participate in the monitoring of activities and the reporting (collection and analysis of laboratory activities.
  • Anticipate technological, regulatory or capacity developments of supported laboratories and define the need for future laboratory equipment


  • Assess training needs and make recommendations


Experiences :

  • Experience of’at least 24 months on projects with transfusion activities
  • Experience of’at least 12 months on a similar post with the same volume of’activity of’approximately 400 transfusions per month
  • Experience in a context of comparable’ intervention (medical humanitarian)
  • Experience in terms of team management and staff development

Training :

  • Degree of level Master 2 ideally in the field of biotechnology or medical biology
  • Specialized training in blood transfusion is highly desired
  • A degree in public health or epidemiology is desirable
  • Perfect editorial mastery and computer tools

Qualities of the candidate :

  • Ability of’analysis,’organization and’ listening
  • Ability to work in teams with different interlocutors
  • Critical sense and strength of proposition
  • Leadership role and facilitator/trice in the face of the problems encountered
  • Editorial mastery and computer tools
  • Rigour, autonomy and curiosity
  • Flexibility and stress management
  • Ability to work as a team in multicultural contexts
  • Management experience of at least 24 months.
  • Mastery of the’computer tool required (Word, Excel and internet)
  • Adherence to the principles of ALIMA


  • Good command of French (read, written, spoken) essential
  • L’anglais is an asset


Duration and type of contract : CDD of French law 3 Months with possibility of renewal.

Taking post : 05/2024

Salary : According to salary grid ALIMA + valuation of’experience + Perdiem

ALIMA supports :

  • The travel costs between the country of’ origin of the’expatriate and the place of mission
  • The costs of’accommodation
  • Medical coverage from the first day of the contract to one month after the departure date of the country of mission for the’employee and its assigns
  • L’ evacuation for the’employee and its beneficiaries

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Motivation Letter online

Applications are processed according to the’order of’arrival. ALIMA reserves the right to close the’offer before the term initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Motivation Letter) will be studied.

Female applications are strongly encouraged.