INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.
Terms of reference
Job Title: Protection Coordinator
Code: SR-35-9054
Duty station: Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving with regular travels to the sub-offices required
Starting date: 01/10/2023
Contract duration: Until 30/9/24
Reporting to: Head of Programme
Supervision of:Protection officers (project level) and Protection Experts (area level)
Dependents: Non-family duty station
General context of the project
Yemen finds itself in a man-made protracted crisis with devastating effects on the lives of ordinary people. The protection of civilians is continuously undermined and/or ignored by the parties to the conflict. Armed conflict, risk of famine and disease outbreaks in Yemen have resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with over 24 million people estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. At the heart of this man-made humanitarian emergency is a protection crisis that threatens the life, safety and well-being of millions of civilians, not least the most vulnerable already struggling to survive. Underlying the armed conflict, deep financial and economy crisis, and collapse basic services and institutions, are ongoing violations of international human rights law (IHRL) and international humanitarian law (IHL) and that result in civilian casualties, displacement, damage to civilian infrastructure and disruption and loss of livelihoods. These factors have exacerbated the vulnerabilities of the Yemeni population, leading to families and individuals increasingly resorting to negative coping mechanisms, such as child marriage, child labor, forced recruitment, etc. Moreover, there is an increased family separation and the breakdown of community support structures, not to mention increased psychosocial and mental distress.
General purpose of the position
• Support the development of new projects/programs proposals through technical inputs to and feedbacks about the project/program methodology and approaches
• According to identified needs and resources available, deliver training, workshops, seminars to national and international staff on GBV and CP related issues, data protection protocols, PSS (individual case management and collective PSS) with the aim of ensuring quality and accountability standards are met across the mission’s protection program.
• Keeps the relationship with the Protection (and other relevant) Cluster(s) at National and Hubs level: ensures active participation and attendance to meetings, ensure INTERSOS’ role as key protection partner and ensure accurate/timely inputs and reporting.
• Ensures implementation and consistency of INTERSOS’ global SOPs and further integrate them by developing SOPs at mission level, adapted to context and reality. Regularly review SOPs and design new SOPs where global SOPs might not (yet) be in place.
• Promote harmonization of program approaches across the different implementation sites by developing and monitoring use of common tools, creating opportunities for experience sharing and learning between project team.
• Provide technical support and quality oversight to Protection Officers, Project Managers and Protection Coordinators.
• Provide and develop tools to monitor quality and delivery of protection programs protection mainstreaming in other sector programs, and ensure continuous attention for accountability for affected people (participation, inclusion and feedback from beneficiaries and communities included).
• Work closely with field teams to maintain and update project planning and reporting documents.
• Provide clear technical support, supervision, training and mentoring to the protection team, including training needed to build specialized skills in GBV case management, PSS and GBV risk mitigation.
• Develop strategies, tools and methodologies to ensure increased prevention and mitigation efforts in protection programming.
• Ensure that protection staff and services adhere to best practice, humanitarian professional standards and principles.
• Strive/push with teams for innovation, piloting and replication of best models for protection programming. Provides technical guidance and leads the development/innovation of the protection programme, especially in sub-sectors of protection, that are not fully developed e.g. community-based protection.
• Produce high quality reports as required for internal and external use.
• Assure protection mainstreaming on the level of the country program and all projects.
Main responsibilities and tasks
INTERSOS Yemen mission coordination for the protection sector
- Organize monthly sector/department technical meetings and bi-monthly cross-sector meetings (program integration)
- Conduct and participate in monitoring missions in the field in collaboration with the program and other technical coordinators
- Ensure that the work of the PMs is harmonized according to internal SOPs and interagency guidelines
- Collect inputs from the different protection colleagues to develop/review the INTERSOS Protection strategy (Yemen)
- Ensure a balance between prevention, mitigation, and response capacity in the protection program
- Coordinate services and actors mapping exercise and ensures proper information sharing related to protection within the mission
- Support the MEAL and Grants departments in monitoring and evaluation exercises for protection caseloads (revision of surveys, data access, etc.), as well as provide technical guidance in third-party monitoring regarding access to beneficiaries’ files.
- Capacity building With team members, identify individual training needs and ensure access to training and professional development resources appropriate to their skill gaps/needs. Train and coach protection staff on relevant protection topics Train relevant nonspecialized staff and volunteers on GBV/CP/PWSNs basic principles and safe referral, and protection mainstreamingDevelop training material for different trainings to share within the protection teams and conduct training for trainers develop capacity building programs for local actors (including partner NGOs and relevant local services providers) on GBV/CP/PWSNs basic principles and safe referral, and protection mainstreaming. In addition, conduct training for local protection partner NGOs/CBOs on GBV basic principles, GBV case management, and GBV data protection.
- Individual Case Management
- Prepare and work on drafting a one-pager with rationale and decision on Full CM vs. Light CM (per location, IDPs vs. Ref, and mobile vs. CC approach) based on case management SoPs prepared by INTERSOS mission.
- Update all relevant forms (assessment forms, case plan development forms, cash assistance requests)
- Roll out the internal SOPs on case management (CM) CP/GBV
- Roll out new procedures (tools and internal procedures, including criteria for financial assistance) for case management for PWSNs
- Ensure CM minimum standards are respected in all the steps of the case management
- Update “35-INTERSOS internal Protection service mapping” and improve referral mechanism (at least internal) through draft Referral SoPs to create better internal/ external referral work.
- Realize case audits (in collaboration with case management supervisors) to evaluate the quality of services provision
- Advise Case Management Supervisors when needed (complex cases)
- Regularly monitor and analyze trends throughout the country
- Regular review of databases
- GBVIMS and CP and general protection information management
- Guarantee the correct functioning of the GBVIMS, CP IMS.
- Support GBVIMS focal points in the use of the system
- Realize GBV monthly and quarterly trend analysis
- Monitor reporting on case management
- Ensure that the data protection protocol is respected in each center
- Assist and advise protection officers in reporting on case management on a monthly and quarterly basis.
Psychosocial Support Activities
- Support and monitor the rollout of PSS toolkits.
- Develop/Review awareness-raising tools and guidelines.
- GBV and CP mainstreaming and prevention activities.
- Ensure GBV and CP mainstreaming in each new project or program proposal.
- Brief Program and Project managers about main GBV and CP issues and updates regularly.
- Ensure collection of disaggregated data for reporting and analysis purposes
- Guide in setting up functioning mechanisms for prevention activities (especially for CP and GBV cases), including community mobilization and community-based protection networks.
- Conduct (refresher) training on essential protection topics and protection mainstreaming for non-protection staff (H&N and WASH) to ensure early identification of cases and smooth referral mechanisms.
Data Protection
- Draft guidelines and checklist on data protection that encompasses the use of codes for ICM across all projects and harmonize data processing mechanism (forms and database).
- Ensure passwords are appropriately created and used, both for files and laptops and other electronic devices (e.g., USB, phones, taps), and ensure data back-up online (e.g., Google Drive) or offline (e.g., hard disk) at least every three months.
Protection Monitoring and Legal Protection
- Review and modify Protection Monitoring SOP (2019)
- Create INTERSOS Yemen SOPs on legal assistance based on the Protection cluster SOP (focused on Civil documentation) and INTERSOS global SOP.
- Review the main tools for protection monitoring.
- Provide technical support/guidance to the PMs in realizing monthly reports when needed for Protection Monitoring/Legal Assistance
- Support in regular identifying and addressing protection trends from Protection Monitoring and Legal Assistance program reporting.
Participation in the coordination structures
- Develop and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders, including donors, government actors, UN agencies, international and local NGOs, the different clusters (Protection in particular, but other relevant clusters), and other relevant actors.
- Ensure accurate quality reporting and update provision to relevant clusters
Develop strategic partnerships with local organizations, wherever possible - Maintain productive working relationships with GBV and CPiE sub-clusters and protection cluster
- Ensure key field concerns are brought to relevant stakeholders to advocate for standards that systematize how GBV, CP, and PWSNs programs are implemented and promote the delivery of inclusive and high-quality GBV and CP and PWSNs services.
- Brief all the protection staff on the discussions held during the cluster and other coordination meetings
Required profile and experience
- Hold a master’s degree in social science or any related field (unless compensated with minimum 7 year of relevant work experience)
Professional Experience
- At least 5 years relevant program management in the protection sector in emergency settings
Professional Requirements
- Excellent written and spoken English
- Arabic would be asset
Personal Requirements
- Comfortable in a multi-cultural but confined environment
- Demonstrated leadership and strong interpersonal skills
- Ability lead and work with team
- Excellent observation capacity and analytical skills
- Very high flexibility
- Constructive critical thinking, practical and problem-solver
- Ability to work independently while soliciting inputs from others on issues of mutual interest and/or linking back to mission vision and strategy
- Ability to plan ahead and output oriented
- Able to ensure quick quality delivery in very stressful
- Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management
- Ability to deal with heavy work pressure and constraining operational environment
- Ability to deliver finished high quality products with attention to accuracy, logic and comparative context
How to apply
Interested candidates are invited to apply following the link below:
Please note that our application process is made of 3 quick steps: register (including your name, email, password and citizenship), sign-up and apply by attaching your CV in PDF format. Through the platform, candidates will be able to track their applications’ history with INTERSOS.
Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least three references: two line managers and one HR referent. Family members are to be excluded.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.