Functional Title: National Transport Planning Expert on Project Implementation in Kragujevac, Serbia
Duty Station of Assignment: Kragujevac and Home office
Type of Contract: Individual Contract (Consultancy Assignment)
Duration of Assignment: 100 working days over the period February 2025–March 2026
Closing Date for Applications: 20 February 2025
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is mandated by the UN-General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. UN-Habitat works with varied partners including cities, central governments, local authorities, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular, Goal 11 of “Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable**”.**
As cities around the world rapidly urbanising, they are increasingly facing urban mobility challenges key among them traffic congestion, pollution and road traffic crashes. The transport sector also significantly contributes to global energy related carbon emissions. Public transport comprising efficient bus systems, trams, metros and non-motorised mobility such as walking, and cycling are emerging an ideal mix to curb the growing urban transport challenges and meet the transport needs of citizens. UN-Habitat collaborates with governments at city, regional and national levels on development and implementation of policy, guides and tools for sustainable urban mobility; provides technical support for development of effective transport systems and supports knowledge, advocacy and capacity building.
UN-Habitat is the lead implementing agency for the Project on: “Building back safe, sustainable and resilient transport and urban mobility systems in Western Balkan and Central Asian landlocked developing regions”. This initiative is funded by the 15th tranche of the United Nations Development Account with the primary objective to strengthen the capacity of local and national governments within the Western Balkan, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regions in sustainable urban mobility planning. The focus is on establishing durable, long-term investment strategies that improve accessibility and connectivity for all while concurrently addressing climate emissions and reducing road fatalities. Specifically, this project aims to support three cities in Western Balkans and Eastern Europe – Chisinau in Moldova, Kragujevac in Serbia, Vushtrri in Kosovo – and two cities in Central Asia – Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan and Almaty in Kazakhstan – the focus is on establishing durable, long-term investment strategies that improve accessibility and connectivity for all while concurrently addressing climate emissions and reducing road fatalities.
Along with UN-Habitat, this project is co-implemented with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).
The National Transport Planning Expert will work under the overall supervision of the Programme Management Officer, Urban Mobility of UN-Habitat. The National Transport Planning Expert will work in close collaboration with the International Experts – Sustainable Urban Plan Expert (SUMP Expert) and Transport Data and Planning (Transport Data Expert) – and the National Expert – public participation and stakeholder engagement – to coordinate and implement the project and engage in day-to-day communication with the local stakeholders for the project to support the City of Kragujevac in developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). This would include undertaking activities regarding capacity building and training activities, data gathering and analytic works, providing technical advice on stakeholder engagements through Workshops, drafting of reports and documents under guidance of UN-Habitat members and International Experts and collaboration with local stakeholders, taking into account the following parameters:
- On capacity building and training activities
- Assessing the level of skills and experiences for collecting and utilising transport data, and urban mobility planning in the relevant team in the City of Kragujevac;
- Plan and implement capacity building and training activities according to the identified future human resources requirements while ensuring alignment to the City’s priorities;
- On data gathering and analysis
- Gathering information/data and reviewing/analysing the current mobility situation of motorized (private vehicles, freight, and public transport) and non-motorized (pedestrian and cycling) transport network, physical condition, accessibility, efficiency, safety, and congestion;
- Reviewing the legal framework (central and local strategies, plans etc.) and make sure that these are taken into account for implementing an efficient mobility strategy at study area level;
- Assess the transport data gaps through literature review and consultation with the key stakeholders.
- Provide technical guidance for the transport data collection and analysis through a co-development approach, where city officials would work alongside the International and National Experts in the data collection;
- On technical support to stakeholder engagements through Workshops
- Provide technical inputs to the development of urban mobility future vision and strategy, and identify priority measures and actions through participatory process, engaging with key stakeholders at the local and national level;
- Consulting the final proposal for development of the concept of the urban mobility plan with the groups of interest;
- Support in identifying key decision-makers, private sector, investors and various transport operators to explore opportunities on collaboration for the planning process and operationalization of the plan.
- On drafting of reports and documents
- Documenting the data gathering and analytic works, capacity building and training activities to develop and propose a mobility plan for the City of Kragujevac that integrates findings from transport data gathering and analysis, co-developed and consulted goals and objectives, priority actions and plan of activities with proposed budgeting and investment, and monitoring frameworks.
The objective of the assignment is to support the efforts of UN-Habitat under the above-mentioned project to strengthen local and national capacity on long-term, sustainable urban mobility planning and robust investment decisions towards public transport, walking and cycling, with co-benefits in terms of improved urban air quality and resilience. This would be achieved through the following two Outcomes.
Outcome 1
Strengthened capacity of local governments to plan for sustainable, resilient and low carbon mobility systems based on evidence- and data-based planning approaches and in alignment with international best practice methodologies
Improved planning frameworks for informing investment decisions for urban land-use and mobility planning
The two Outcomes shall be achieved through 4 activity components described in the table below:
Activity Component
Related Outcome
Training and Capacity Building
- Organisation and facilitation of on-line and in-person training series for the City of Kragujevac, to build technical capacity
Outcome 1
Data Gathering and analysis
- Review the current mobility challenges and gaps of the transport systems, infrastructure, and institutional framework.
- Coordinate the transport data collection and analysis.
Co-development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan through participatory process
- Coordinate and facilitate developing a joint future vision for sustainable mobility engaging city officials and all stakeholders;
- Coordinate and facilitate identifying priority measures for sustainable, low carbon mobility (action plan) supporting a multi-sectoral approach linked to climate action and clean air measures;
- Coordinate and facilitate identifying budget and resources and support the development of budget/ investment plans
Outcome 2
Support for the operationalisation of the Plan
- Coordinate and facilitate setting up coordination mechanisms between local departments and vertically with the regional and national government;
- Coordinate and facilitate the establishment of monitoring frameworks for operationalisation of the Plan.
The methodology of conducting the four activities regarding capacity building and training activities, data gathering and analytic works, facilitating stakeholder engagements through Workshops and co-development of sustainable urban mobility plan are as outlined below:
1-1) Training and Capacity Building
- Capacity assessment: Under guidance from the International Experts, conduct surveys and provide inputs for Training Needs Assessment.
- Training module development: Support the development of training modules, materials and practices by providing inputs from local contexts and needs.
- Analysis of the land-use and mobility: In collaboration between various municipal departments and coordinating with the International Consultants, lead the data collection, review and analysis of demographics and trends, overview of existing infrastructure and services, review of existing city plans and socio-economic data, existing and proposed land-use, street inventory, vehicle and NMT cordon counts, public transport surveys, parking surveys and air quality monitoring.
- Survey Design: Under the guidance of UN-Habitat team and the International Experts, collaboratively define objectives, methodologies, and sampling plans for surveys to support strategic transport goals. With consultation with the team in the City, co-develop a detailed survey plans and refine a survey form according to contextual relevance and unique needs of the City, including the translation of the survey form.
- Team Formation and Survey Management: In collaboration with UN-Habitat team and under the guidance of International Experts, support the survey implementation process for data collection at the field.
- Reporting and visualisation: Under the guidance of the International Experts, summarize and visualize mobility data for insights into travel patterns and policy recommendations.
1-2) Data Gathering and analysis
2-1) Co-development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan through participatory process
- Detailed work plan for the project implementation: Under the guidance of UN-Habitat and International Experts, create the detailed workplan outlining the project scope, activities and timeline to be implemented for developing mobility plan under close collaboration with the City.
- Future vision co-development: Under the guidance of UN-Habitat and International Experts, provide technical input for developing a long-term vision for transport, infrastructure, and mobility service development for the entire functional urban area, covering all modes and forms of transport through providing support for the facilitation of a participatory exercise. Specific attention to include the voices of those in vulnerable situations such as women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons.
- Priority measure identification: Based on the data collection, analysis and review of existing plans, propose priority measures to be tackled. In addition, under the guidance of UN-Habitat and SUMP Expert, provide support to facilitate a participatory exercise for citizens and stakeholders to discuss priority measures and actions.
- Propose Budget and Finance Plan: Coordinate with the City in developing a budget plan for the proposed measures in the SUMP with financial requirements and timelines.
2-2) Support for the operationalisation of the Plan
- Coordination mechanism set up: In collaboration with the SUMP Expert, propose the setting of a coordination mechanisms that would facilitate multidisciplinary coordination between transport and land-use planning, environmental protection, social inclusion, gender equity, economic development, safety, health, education, and information technologies.
- Operationalisation and monitoring: In collaboration with the SUMP Expert, propose and consult with the cities the institutional framework illustrating respective responsibilities of the different agencies involved in implementing the Plan and methodologies for monitoring the progress.
Collaboration with the National Expert on Public Participation/Stakeholder Engagement and roles
The National Transport Planning Expert will work in close collaboration with the National Expert – public participation and stakeholder engagement expert on the above-mentioned activities. The below table shows the expected roles and responsibilities:
Activity Component
Transport Planning Expert
Public Participation Expert
Training and Capacity Building
- Conduct assessment
- Technical input/ guidance
- Plan, organise, facilitate
- Monitoring and reporting
Data Gathering and analysis
- Lead data gathering and analysis
- Lead the management of field data survey
Co-development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan through participatory process
- Technical input/ guidance
- Lead the participatory process with stakeholders
Support for the operationalisation of the Plan
- Technical input/ guidance
- Lead the participatory process with stakeholders
Duration: The start of the consultancy is scheduled for February 2025 and the last deliverable must be submitted by 15 March 2026.
Reporting: The National Transport Planning Expert will work under the overall supervision of the Programme Management Officer, Urban Mobility of UN-Habitat.
Duty Station: The National Transport Planning Expert shall provide service from Kragujevac and home office.
Coordination: The National Transport Expert will work in close collaboration with the International Experts – Sustainable Urban Plan Expert (SUMP Expert) and Transport Data and Planning (Transport Data Expert).
Work plan / Activities – Tentative Implementation Schedule for the National Expert for Transport Planning
This consultancy should include but not be limited to the following list of activities:
Duration (working days)
1-1 Training and Capacity Building
- Project Kick-Off Meeting: Initial alignment meeting with key stakeholders, covering project objectives, scope, methodology, and expected outcomes.
- Capacity Assessment: Evaluation of local institutional capabilities on mobility planning and transport data management and availability
Home based/ Kragujevac
February- March 2025
- Training Workshop: Conduct training workshops covering methodologies, tools, and best practices and support the implementation of capacity building activities
Home based/ Kragujevac
15 March – 15 May 2025
1-2 Data Gathering and analysis
- Review and analysis of the land-use and mobility: Comprehensive and systematic data collection and review of existing relevant plans, regulatory frameworks and transport-related data.
- Survey Design: Co-develop with the City, a detailed survey plans and refine a survey form
Home based/ Kragujevac
15 March – 15 May 2025
- Team Formation and Survey Management: Coordinate the survey teams with defined roles, and manage the implementation of data collection survey at the field.
- Reporting and visualisation: Summarize mobility data for insights into travel patterns and policy recommendations
Home based/ Kragujevac
15 May – 15 June 2025
2-1 Co-development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan through participatory process
- Future vision co-development: Co-develop a long-term vision for transport, infrastructure, and mobility service development through participatory exercise
- Priority measure identification: Co-develop priority measures and actions for citizens and stakeholders through participatory exercise.
- Propose Budget and Finance Plan: Support the development of a budget plan for the proposed measures in the SUMP with financial requirements and timelines
Home based/ Kragujevac
15 July – 15 December 2025
2-2 Support for the operationalisation of the Plan
- Coordination mechanism set up: Facilitate the discussion on establishment of coordination mechanisms that would facilitate multidisciplinary coordination
- Operationalisation and monitoring: Propose and consult with the City the institutional framework illustrating respective responsibilities of the different agencies involved in implementing the Plan and methodologies for monitoring the progress.
Home based/ Kragujevac
15 December 2025 – 15 March 2026
During the assignment, the consultant will deliver the following documents:
Project Kick-Off and Capacity Building
- Project Kick-Off Meeting
[D.1.1.1] Inception Report | detailing methodologies, detailed work plan for developing a mobility plan that is customised for local contexts
- Capacity Assessment
[D1.1.2] Capacity Assessment Report | Assessment of current capabilities of local institutions in mobility planning and transport data gathering and management, with recommendations for enhancing capacity
- Training Workshop
[D1.1.3] Workshop Training Materials & Skills Transfer Report | Localized training modules, presentations, and reference materials for capacity-building workshops on data collection/analysis and stakeholder engagement process
*To be developed under collaboration with National Consultant on Public Participation
1-2 Data Gathering and analysis
- Review and analysis of the land-use and mobility
[D1.2.1] Existing Planning Document/Data Review and survey implementation plan | (1)Literature review and planning framework analysis reportthat covers demographics and trends, overview of existing infrastructure and services, review of existing city plans and socio-economic data, existing and proposed land-use, street inventory, transport movement data; (2) Survey Plan that includes key data indicators, sample sizes, methodologies for conducting the survey, and survey question form
- Survey Implementation Plan
- Survey implementation report
[D1.2.2] Transport Survey Report | (1) Survey implementation report that explains how the survey teams were set, survey tools and instruments were deployed; (2) Data Analysis and Insights analysing survey findings with visualisations, highlighting key patterns and implications for transport planning;
*To be developed under collaboration with National Consultant on Public Participation
- Survey result analysis report
2-1 Co-development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan through participatory process
- Future vision co-development:
[D2.1] Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan -Vision and Goals | (1)Urban Mobility Vision that outline goals, objectives, and key performance indicators for an improved transport system, aligned with city and national goals; (2) priority measures and actions with timeframes and roadmaps for implementation; (3) Proposed budget and finance plans, outlining the financial requirements of the identified priority actions.
*To be developed under collaboration with National Consultant on Public Participation
- Priority measure identification
- Propose Budget and Finance Plan
2-2 Support for the operationalisation of the Plan
- Coordination mechanism set up
[D2.2] Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan – Operationalisation | (1)Coordination mechanism proposal mechanisms that would facilitate multidisciplinary coordination for implementation of the Plan (2) Operationalisation and monitoring plan, establishing the institutional framework illustrating respective responsibilities of the different agencies involved in implementing the Plan and methodologies for monitoring the progress.
*To be developed under collaboration with National Consultant on Public Participation.
- Operationalisation and monitoring plan
The exact timing of the deliveries will be determined during the course of the assignments.
The work shall be performed from on field in Kragujevac and home office.
The fees will be paid in four installments upon completion and acceptance of the outputs as specified below, in line with the Final Deliverables.
1st Payment 10%
Upon completion and acceptance of:
- [D.1.1.1] Inception Report
- [D1.1.2] Capacity Assessment Report
2nd Payment 50%
Upon completion and acceptance of:
- [D1.1.3] Workshop Training Materials & Skills Transfer Report
- [D1.2.1] Existing Planning Document and Data Review and survey implementation plan
- [D1.2.2] Transport Survey Report
3rd Payment 25%
Upon completion and acceptance of:
- [D2.1] Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan -Vision and Goals
4th Payment 15%
Upon completion and acceptance of:
- [D2.2] Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan – Operationalisation
- Professionalism: Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter. Good research, analytical and problem-solving skills. Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.
- Communication: Excellent and effective written and oral skills; ability to persuade people with varying points of view and to present information in a concise and accurate manner, ability to clearly communicate links between the organizations. Promotes a learning and knowledge shared environment. Excellent mentoring and training skills.
- Planning and Organizing: Proven ability to plan, coordinate and monitor own work and that of others. Ability to work under pressure and uses time efficiently. Identifies priority activities and assignments, adjust priorities as required.
- Management and coordination: Skills for co-implementing the activities with National and International consultants, counterpart organisations, or other entities such as NGOs, academic institutions, and Community-Based Organisations.
- Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. Solicits input by valuing others ideas and expertise and is willing to learn from others.
- Functional Competencies: Preferably a minimum of five years’ experience in the field of transport engineering/planning, civil engineering, or an urban-sector discipline, particularly in SUMP development and transport data collection and analysis. Experience in conducting travel demand and supply analysis, including but not limited to: designing of transport surveys, transport data collection, transport demand data analysis, transport demand forecasting, and transport modelling.
- Advanced University degree (Masters or Equivalent) in Transportation Planning or Engineering, Economics, Urban or Regional Planning or related fields with knowledge on sustainable urban transportation and mobility issues or a first degree with the relevant combination of professional and academic qualifications is required;
- At least 5 years of practical working experience in the fields of transport or urban planning, mobility, sustainable development, combined with demonstrated knowledge and experience of conducting transport demand analysis working with national and local governments is required;
- Substantial experience in transport modelling procedures and knowledge and fluency in modelling tools is desirable;
- Ability to work in a team and to undertake initiative to ensure smooth relations and open communication within the team and with partners;
- Experience of working in the relevant cities in Serbia or countries of Western Balkans is an advantage;
- Excellent analytical and communication skills.
- Good interpersonal skills, previous exposure to cross cultural environments is advantageous.
- It is essential that the candidate be able to meet deadlines for reporting and all project work
- Excellent proficiency in spoken and written English; knowledge of local languages will be considered an advantage.
- Fluency (reading, writing and speaking) in Serbian is required.
- Knowledge of UN policies and procedures is an advantage;
- Express enthusiasm and willingness to share experiences and transfer knowledge
- Take responsibility and make sure tasks are fully completed
- Be sensitive to gender issues and issues of concern to vulnerable groups
- Be flexible and prepared to pursue goals through teamwork
The incumbent should be available for the suggested schedule
How to apply
Interested candidates must submit to the email address: unhabitat-kosovo.office@un.org the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications: ·
- Cover letter explaining why they are the most suitable for the work·
- Completion of a CV in P11 Form which can be downloaded at
The CV shall include information on the past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.·
3. Financial Proposal. The form for the financial proposal can be downloaded at
Deadline for applications: 20 February 2025, 17:00 hrs CETUN-Habitat does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any questions concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of these offices and requesting the payment of a fee, please contact: recruitment@unon.org