CDD | 5 months | ASAP
For thirty years,’ONG International Acted has been working on the last kilometer of’action humanitariane to save lives. Acted currently supports 20 million people in 43 countries to meet their needs in hard-to-reach areas, and pursues a triple humanitarian, environmental and’acteur du development mandate. Acted S’ relies on a fine knowledge of local territories and contexts to develop and implement actions over the long term, with a wide range of local and international partners, to build together a world “3ZERO” : Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty
Acted Morocco
In response to the crisis in Morocco, Acted recruits.
Main role and responsibilities
Under the authority of the Country Finance Manager, the Country Finance Officer ( CFO ) will be responsible for supporting the Country Finance Manager in his functions. More specifically, he / she will be in charge of implementing and monitoring financial management and control tools. He / She will also be in charge of training the Finance team.
Main responsibilities
1. Accounting and cash management
- Accounting Management: Supervising the Accounting Cycle for the Mission
- Cash management: ensuring fluid control and management of cash
2. Commitment of expenditure, control of the budget, & financial management
3. Project financial cycle management
4. Team management and other tasks
Qualifications and skills required
- Master in Finance, Audit, Business Management or equivalent ;
- At least one year of SOLID experience in financial and budgetary management ;
- Financial/accounting skills ;
- Excellent communication and writing skills to effectively report on the financial performance of programs ;
- Ability to monitor and evaluate the financial and monitoring skills of teams, capacity building skills ;
- Ability to take responsibility and manage stress ;
- Ability to function in an intercultural environment requiring flexibility ;
- Salary defined by the Acted salary grid according to the level of’studies,’expertise, the level of safety and the level of experience : between 1500 and 1700€ monthly net (before income taxes)
- Monthly living expenses allowance 300$
- Guesthouse accommodation and food supported by Acted
- Social security, mutual insurance (MSH) and repatriation assistance (SOS International) supported by Acted
- Transport to the mission and return ticket fully supported every 6 months (to the’address specified on the employment contract)
- Visa fees supported by Acted
- One week of preparation for departure including 4 days of immersion safety training
- Possibility of’having a call of 30 minutes with a consultant in taxation
- Psychological support (meet with a professional.le)
How to apply
Send your application (CV and cover letter) by email (jobs@acted.org), under reference : CFO/MAR
Please note that Acted does not charge fees at any stage of the recruitment process.