Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Specialist At HIAS



Contribute to the design, implementation and monitoring of the SMAPS-BC program strategy for the Refugee, Migrant and host community, guaranteeing that the activities comply with the operating procedures and standards of HIAS Peru and with the national regulations and global guidelines of SMAPS-BC. The SMAPS specialist will contribute to the technical strengthening of the program, by accompanying the SMAPS team for the implementation of projects and activities, development of technical tools, capacity building, proposal development, and mainstreaming of the SMAPS approach in different programs, as well as with local and cooperation actors. Likewise, it will participate in technical working groups and other inter-institutional coordination spaces,accompanied by the HIAS leaderships.

• Participates in the development of the SMAPS-BC strategy, and in the development of policies, operational strategies and guidelines within the framework of HIAS Peru’s priorities.
• Leads actions that guarantee the implementation of the strategy, policy and guideline in SMAPS-BC.
• Prepare a plan for the development of competencies and materials to strengthen the capacities of the teams based on the global and regional guidelines that HIAS has established, as well as global standards on the subject.
• Develops, adapts and implements SMAPS-BC intervention methodologies in coordination with partners such as Columbia University, UNHCR, BPRM, etc.
• Designs and implements tools for information management, systematization and capitalization of experiences and good practices in teams, identifying opportunities for information dissemination.
• Records and updates information for monthly and periodic reports in the area.
• Coordinates and accompanies capacity building in low intensity interventions in SMAPS-BC (Basic psychosocial and intercultural abilities, (Facing Problems Plus (EP +), Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), Self-help Plus (Help +) etc.) and others aimed at local people or organizations present in the community according to requirements.
• Prepares and keeps updated the mapping of actors related to the subject in the intervention areas in coordination with the territorial offices.
• Identifies training needs and implements actions to strengthen SMAPS-BC management, both for HIAS staff, partners and the project user community.
• Provides monitoring of the application of technical guidelines in humanitarian and emergency aid contexts.
• Identify new offers of specialized services available to people of interest, maintaining communication with humanitarian organizations and local authorities for case management.
• Ensures the implementation of SMAPS activities within the framework of institutional guidelines and strategies in accordance with HIAS PERÚ’s portfolio of projects at the territorial level and in accordance with standards Global Humanitarian Aid, Sphere Manual and Minimum Standards for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in Humanitarian Action.
• Ensures the implementation of internal monitoring by the SMAPS-BC program team at the local level and produces reports.
• Develops the strengthening of strategic alliances of the SMAPS program with community, local, national and international organizations, with a focus on guaranteeing continuity and sustainability.
• Participate in coordination and follow-up meetings with the coordination of the area, Program management and / or other program areas of the program and headquarters.
• Train, accompany and technically advise teams in the implementation of SMAPS program activities in accordance with the guidelines established by HIAS.
• Participates and assists spaces for inter-institutional coordination and articulation and other strategic relationship actions, such as the GTRM, and led when assigned at the institutional level. Designs and accompanies the organization of intervention and activities in the territory according to the annual planning of the programs.
• Actively participates in the development of instruments and methodologies for collecting information and for the implementation of what is related to SMAPS-BC.
• Technically develops new proposals related to SMAPS-BC.
• Participates in international group and bilateral technical meetings with the SMAPS-BC advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean.
• Leads the technical design of proposals related to SMAPS and establishes a map to strengthen partners – donors on the subject.
• Others that are required from the country program and office.


• Indispensable Mental Health professionals (Psychology, Social / Community Psychology, Clinical Psychology, or related to position).
• Indispensable with postgraduate studies on topics relevant to Community / Social Psychology, Human Rights, Human Mobility, Social Development or Humanitarian Aid.
• Desirable training related to Social Protection, Protection of Children or Gender and gender-based violence.

• Five years of professional experience in the field of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support programs.
• Experience in the operationalization and application of the intervention principles of the IASC guides and other guidelines for humanitarian response and psychosocial intervention.
• Work experience in international organizations or NGOs, mainly in the framework of humanitarian response projects and / or international cooperation.
• Experience in psychosocial care for different profiles in vulnerable situations (population in human mobility and refuge, adult survivors of GBV and trafficking; separated, unaccompanied children and adolescents, and / or survivors of violence; people with disabilities; people from the LGBTIQ + community, etc).
• Experience leading teams at the technical and operational level.
Experience related to community strengthening strategies for community-based protection and psychosocial activities.
• Experience with a migrant and refugee population.
• Experience in the implementation of scalable psychological interventions.

General and specific knowledge:

• Relevant knowledge on the protection of the refugee and migrant population in vulnerable contexts.
• Strong knowledge of Community-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in contexts of emergencies and humanitarian aid.
• Strengthened gender knowledge and gender-based violence.
• Knowledge in the design, management and implementation of projects.
• Intermediate-advanced knowledge of Excel.
• Demonstrate ability to manage project cycle management tools with a focus on results.
• Advanced English: spoken and written.

• Excellent oral and written interpersonal communication skills; ability to work as a team.
• Respectful, capable of discussing sensitive issues honestly, openly, effectively and in groups and with individuals.
• Interest and commitment to human rights and gender equality.
• Proactivity, creativity and flexibility.
• Equipment supervision management.
• Ability to analyze and make decisions.
• Availability to travel frequently in the HIAS Peru intervention areas.

How to apply

Postulate through this link until August 11, 2024.