Oxfam is a global development organization working in Nigeria to influence policy change to benefit the poor and vulnerable, focusing on areas such as food security, supporting farmers, and promoting gender and economic justice. Our organization’s core values include equality, empowerment, solidarity, inclusiveness, accountability, and courage.
In Nigeria, pervasive patriarchal norms and cultural beliefs perpetuate gender inequalities, particularly favoring male children. Legal frameworks sometimes reinforce the subjugation of women, exemplified by laws recognizing wife battering and underage marriage. Adamawa State, a humanitarian crisis epicenter, faces gender-based violence challenges, worsened by inter-communal clashes. Oxfam, CEPAD, CRUDAN, and GIZ GmbH are implementing an 18-month project in Adamawa to enhance women’s rights and gender equality. The project targets Michika and Guyuk LGAs to improve women’s participation in socio-political-economic activities and enhance government and local institutions’ capacities for promoting gender equality. A baseline assessment is crucial to understand current gender dynamics, identify challenges, and inform conflict-sensitive and gender-responsive interventions. The assessment will engage local communities, providing a foundation for tailored programs and initiatives, resource allocation, and advocacy to promote gender equality and women’s rights.
Application Submission
Interested and qualified consulting firms are expected to submit the following:
- a cover letter or expression of interest – highlighting relevant experience and skills to the specific baseline, and the reasons for interest in the work. If a team of consultants is required, brief profiles of the team and their expected roles must be attached,
- the CV(s) of all the proposed research teams in the consulting firm,
- technical proposal with suggested approach and timeline,
- a financial proposal that offers good value for money and maximizes potential efficiencies to deliver the outputs within budget is expected,
- attach samples of similar research (at least 2) conducted,
- the names and contacts of previous client(s) to be contacted for references,
- Fill out the request for quotation form with proper withholding tax deduction.
For the TOR, click here
All applications should be submitted to nga.bid@oxfam.org in one PDF document, applicants could use https://combinepdf.com/ if Acrobat Adobe PDF is unavailable.
Please note that OXFAM will deduct and remit to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) a 5% withholding Tax for freelancers or 10% for firms from the total consultancy fees under the Nigerian Tax Law.
Equal Opportunity
OXFAM is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, colour, religion, gender, disability, etc. Qualified women and PWDs are strongly encouraged to apply.