The Latin American and Caribbean Coordinator of Small Producers and Fair Trade Workers (CLAC), is an Association established with legal status in El Salvador, that groups Small Producer Organizations (OPPs) and Workers’ Organizations (OTs) within Fair Trade. CLAC is organized into “ National Coordinators ” (CNs) and “ Product Networks ”; the former group CLAC member organizations by country, while Product Networks, They group organizations by product, regardless of the country they are in and the Workers’ Network, groups together workers’ organizations from different countries.
CLAC’s mission is not only to represent democratically organized organizations, but also to ensure their strengthening and development, facilitate assistance actions for their partners, promote their products and values, and influence social, political and economic instances. CLAC’s strategic lines of work are: 1) Strengthen CLAC’s organizational sustainability, 2) Promote fair trade, its principles and values, 3) Strengthen and develop its membership, 4) Increase access to existing and new markets, 5) Influence responsible production, trade and consumption to promote sustainable development, 6) Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through inclusion, adoption of good social and environmental practices in our membership
Within the framework of the Sustainable Banana Program (PBS), specifically in the Pillars: 1) Sustainable management of Soil and Water resources; 2) Resilience against Climate Change; and 3) Recovery and Promotion of Biodiversity; The Productivity Increase Project ( PIP ) is implemented, which has as its main purposes to support OPPs in the development and implementation of sustainable practices in the production of Fairtrade certified Banana; for it, strengthening producer capacities ( as ) in different countries, This strengthening prioritizes issues such as: a*) Practices for improving Soil Health through the production of bio inputs that contribute to increasing the biodiversity of Charitable Microorganisms in soils; b ) Actions and practices for the sustainable management of water resources, promoting the rational and efficient use of water in the banana value chain; c ) Strengthening of knowledge and skills to handle information, which leads to reducing water and carbon footprints, among others.* Based on the above, an experienced professional with solid experience and technical knowledge is required in the productive links of Banano Fairtrade certified value chain, with emphasis: Soil Health), Sustainable Management of Phytosanitary limitations (including FoC R4T), Quality assurance (BPA-BPM), Biodiversity in agricultural contexts, Production Adapted to the climate and that as part of the support provided by CLAC to the membership in Colombia.Production Adapted to the climate and that as part of the support provided by CLAC to the membership in Colombia.Production Adapted to the climate and that as part of the support provided by CLAC to the membership in Colombia.
As part of its responsibilities, it will provide training and technical support, addressing practical field actions and establishing pilot processes for the production of bioinsumptions, these actions based on PIP experiences, and including improvement actions that have been incorporated into the different phases carried out at this time.
In its methodological implementation, it must provide access to information and training on crucial issues in Banano’s productive management: a) Key PIP practices (soil health, water resource management, establishment and operationalization of biophabrics, use of bioinsum), b) FoC R4T containment practices (Biosafety Practices for sustainable soil health management (balance sheet / microbiological stability), c) Increase in Organic Matter (MO) in banana production areas (Training on the importance of MO in soil, construction and operation of Fabricas for the production of organic fertilizers such as compost, Bokashi, and others), and d) Strengthening of capacities for data management on Water footprint (HH) and Carbon Footprint (HC),mainly on the Impact of sustainable practices on the reduction of HH and HC.
In the context of the Project Sustainable Banana Program (PBS), strengthen knowledge and technical skills on sustainable practices for the production of Fairtrade certified Banana, aimed at Plantations and OPPs in the Banana region of Colombia (Urabá and Magdalena).
Contribute to the empowerment and self-management of membership
Main function
Manage the technical components and resources allocated related to the position
Collateral coordination functions
Develop and implement the technical support to the Cooperatives participating in the project, in accordance with the work methodology promoted by CLAC.
Identify the activities necessary for the success of the technical support, for this the elaboration and administration of a logical schedule for its implementation.
Training in the essential elements of the PIP to technicians and management of a maximum of 5 plantations in Urabá and OPPs that provide the supermarket supply chain in Europe.
Implementation and technical assistance to 5 plantations to introduce the essential actions of the PIP on a small scale and monitor the results in demonstrative “mini plots” per farm (example 1-2 hectares), the plantation then decides to expand the area and invest in infrastructure (minimum investment, handling 55 gallon tanks, and small areas for composting)
Train on farms (5 plantations) in the preparation and use in the field of compost, bioferments and other bioinsum with 1 worker per farm, responsible for managing the mini plot
Implement technical assistance processes at OPPs in Urabá and Magdalena, which supply the Banano Fairtrade supply chain.
Based on process indicators, develop / establish a baseline (process start) and monitor impact
Training in the key elements for measuring carbon and hydric footprints (under the FAO methodology)
Actions that contribute to the protection and increase of biodiversity within and above the ground (coverage, wind barriers, associated crops, nurseries, among others).
Develop and maintain fluid communication with the OPPs participating in the project and with the CLAC work colleagues linked to the project to ensure good coordination of the work agendas.
- Pilot process controlled with five Plantations (HLs), scalable to other HLs in the intervention regions.
- Banana plantations (HLs) of the Urabá, Guajira and Magdalena regions of the Banano Fairtrade supply chain.
- Organizations of small producers of Banana from the Magdalena region, from the Banano Fairtrade supply chain.
How to apply
Interested parties send their Life Sheet and Motivation Letter including salary expectation, to the email address: talenthumano@clac-comerciojusto.org, with the subject “Banana Certified Fairtrade ” Sustainable Production Specialist, application deadline March 11, 2024.
Please review full terms of reference in https://clac-comerciojusto.org/trabaja-con-nosotros/