Project “Strengthened the active participation of women (Jordanians, Syrian Refugees, Youth and Women with Disabilities) with a comprehensive approach to rights in Jordan”, funded by AECID – Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation and Barcelona City Council.
Alianza por la Solidaridad was born with the vocation of working to achieve a better and more sustainable world for all, regardless of where they were born or where they decided to live. We invest all our work, knowledge, experience and creativity in defending and advancing global rights in all parts of the world and for all people.
Our work responds to the defense of the rights of migrants, the rights of women around the world, the sustainability of the environment and the defense of the rights of people affected by humanitarian crises. For this we know that we need to build an informed, critical global citizenship that is eager to get involved in the social changes necessary to achieve a world that puts people and human rights at the center. And we know that awareness-raising and advocacy is key to achieving this.
Alianza has been working in Jordan since 2007. The organisation has always collaborated with Jordanian organizations of a strong feminist nature and supported the work of civil society, especially in terms of empowerment and women’s rights, prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence, both with Jordanian women and refugees. Our programmatic priorities for the period 2020-2026 are:
- Eradicate gender-based violence suffered by women, especially young and migrant women and women rights defenders.
- Promoting the Human Rights of Excluded Groups
- Promote Climate Justice, ensuring the resilience of the groups most affected by Climate Change, and especially women, to adapt to leading the ecological transition.
- Protect the most vulnerable people during humanitarian crises and strengthen their resilience capacities
Since June 2018, we are a member of ActionAid, an International Federation made up of 46 countries. Our incorporation into the Action Aid network has meant expanding our work to more than 50 countries on 5 continents, achieving greater visibility and impact. In addition, we have achieved greater efficiency in our political pressure.
Project Context
These ToR are developed within the framework of the program (hereinafter the Convenio) entitled “Strengthened the active participation of women (Jordanians, Syrian Refugees, Youth and Women with Disabilities – WwD) with a comprehensive approach to rights in Jordan”, funded by the Spanish Cooperation – AECID and the Barcelona City Council.
Alianza por la Solidaridad is part of a consortium formed by three Spanish NGOs (Alianza, MPDL and NOVACT), of which Movement for Peace – MPDL is the lead organization for this intervention, along with the local partners: Be Positive; Community Based Rehabilitation Center (CBR); I Dare; and Housewives Association (HSF). The direct local partner of Alianza is HSF.
This Convenio will last until early 2027. Its general objective is to “Contribute to a life free of violence for women, preventing economic, gender, community and digital violence” and it includes 3 specific objectives:
– SO1: Promote the sustainable and inclusive economic empowerment of Jordanian and refugee women, with special attention to young women and women with disabilities.
– SO2: Improve the system of protection, prevention and response to gender violence in Mafraq, Zarqa and Amman.
– SO3: Strengthen the leadership of Jordanian and refugee women, paying special attention to young women and/or women with disabilities, in peace building, preventing violent conflicts and promoting resilience in their communities.
Alianza is coordinating the implementation of SO2, in which these ToR are framed.
Project Objectives
Specific Objective 2: Improve the system of protection, prevention and response to gender violence in Mafraq, Zarqa and Amman, will be achieved through the following outcomes:
– SO2. O1. Women and WwD (Jordanians and refugees) surviving or at risk of GBV have access to prevention, detection, care and referral services with high quality standards.
– SO2. O2. Strengthened the favorable environment at the community level for the prevention and detection of gender violence and the promotion of women’s rights, from the female leadership.
– SO2. O3. Reinforced the joint strategy of partner organizations to guarantee the protection and empowerment of women and WwD (Jordanians and refugees) from a comprehensive perspective.
These ToR are mainly related to Outcome 2 of Specific Objective 2, more specifically with the activity A2.2.5 “GBV prevention at the community level, with men (including family members of women survivors), religious and community leaders”.
Summary of the Process
The expert will develop an innovative methodology that effectively engages men, builds anti-GBV male role models, and fosters positive attitudes towards gender equality. Community and religious leaders will play a pivotal role in this initiative, serving as key influencers in spreading gender-sensitive messages and supporting the prevention of GBV at the community level.
This component will be initiated with the development of a comprehensive strategy to work with men, including religious and community leaders, on promoting a new masculinities approach that is sensitive to gender issues and inequalities. The strategy will be informed by a detailed needs analysis conducted by an expert, focusing on strengthening the organizational capacity of our partner partners in gender-sensitive approaches.
Objective and Outputs of the Consultancy
The project aims to strengthen the capacities of Alianza Jordan and HSF by focusing on new masculinities and gender-sensitive approaches. It seeks to develop a comprehensive strategy and training methodology to engage men as allies in preventing gender-based violence (GBV) and promoting gender equality. Additionally, the initiative emphasizes increasing the involvement of religious and community leaders in fostering positive masculinities and preventing GBV. A key objective is to build a network of male role models who can serve as agents of change within their communities, driving forward the principles of equality and respect.
The specific expected outputs are as follows:
- Conduct a thorough analysis of the current capacity and needs of HSF and its CBO partners to inform the design of the strategy. This may include as well other partners of the project consortium.
- Develop a comprehensive strategy for Alianza and HSF to work on new masculinities, engaging men, and preventing GBV at the community level in an effective and innovative way.
- Train HSF staff and its 3 CBO partners on the principles of new masculinities, gender-sensitive approaches, and GBV prevention. And facilitate a workshop for the consortium members.
- Establish a strong foundation for future interventions by familiarizing themselves with the target groups and building connections with community and religious leaders.
- Develop a methodology to engage men and create male role models who actively promote gender equality and engage in GBV prevention.
- Eventually, participate in experience-sharing sessions with Alianza’s team in Palestine and other Palestinian partners, focusing on successful methodologies and engagement strategies with community leaders.
Tasks and Deliverables
The consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks:
- Needs Assessment and Strategy Development
- Conduct an initial needs assessment of HSF staff and its 3 CBO partners to identify strengths, gaps, and areas for capacity development regarding gender roles, the new masculinities approach and male engagement in GBV prevention. Representatives of other consortium partners will also be considered for the assessment.
- Develop a comprehensive strategy and work plan for engaging men, religious, and community leaders on new masculinities and GBV prevention.
- Define target groups and key stakeholders for the intervention, ensuring a holistic approach to GBV prevention.
- Curriculum and Methodology Development
- Design a detailed curriculum for training on new masculinities, GBV, and gender-sensitive approaches with men.
- Develop training materials that include interactive tools such as case studies, role-plays, and group discussions.
- Develop guidelines to deal with these topics in an indirect way.
- Ensure the methodology is innovative and able to attract male participants, making the type of activities and the contents accessible, appealing and culture-sensitive.
- Capacity Building
- Conduct training sessions for HSF staff and its 3 CBO partners to build their capacity on the promotion of gender-sensitive masculinities and the implementation of the overall strategy.
- Conduct a workshop with project partners in order to ensure a basic level of understanding of the new masculinities approach.
- Provide ongoing support and mentorship to trainees to ensure effective implementation of the strategy.
- Support HSF in the implementation of pilot activities with men and leaders
- Collaboration and Experience Exchange
- Eventually, participate in an exchange of experiences with the Alianza team in Palestine and other Palestinian partners to discuss best practices for engaging men and community leaders.
- Incorporate lessons learned from the exchange into the strategy to strengthen the overall approach.
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Develop tools to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the activities implemented and the engagement strategy.
- Provide regular updates and a final report, including recommendations for scaling up the initiative in other communities.
The consultant is also expected to hand in the following deliverables:
- Needs Assessment Report outlining the capacity and gaps of HSF and its 3 CBO partners.
- Comprehensive Strategy for engaging men (including community and religious leaders) and promoting new masculinities at the community level.
- Training Curriculum and materials for building capacity on gender-sensitive approaches and GBV prevention for men.
- Training Sessions for HSF staff and its 3 CBO partners.
- Workshop for consortium partners
- Experience Exchange Report summarizing key takeaways from the exchange with the Alianza team in Palestine (if applicable).
- Monitoring and Evaluation Tools for assessing the impact of training and community-level interventions.
- Final Report including outcomes, lessons learned, and recommendations for future initiatives.
All the deliverables must be in English language. The training materials must be as well in Arabic.
All the deliverables will include the logos of the funding entities.
The consultant’s commitment for the specific service is expected to last for about 6 months. The specific work plan will be agreed with Alianza.
Upon successful completion of this contract, the consultant might be considered for a new contract to deliver related activities under another project with Alianza.
Tentative Calendar
Week 1&2 : Preparatory Work.
Week 3-5: Assessment Week 6 & 7: Training
Week 8-9: Exchange
Week 10-13: Development of the strategy, Development of Materials, Week 14: Development of monitoring framework
Week 15: CB for implementing the strategy.
Week 16-22: Pioliting the strategy, Week 20-23: Final Report
Profile Requirement
The consultant profile shall comply with the following requirements:
- Degree in Gender Studies, Social Work, Psychology, or a related field.
- Proven experience in developing strategies for GBV prevention and engaging men in promoting gender equality.
- Experience working with community and religious leaders on gender-sensitive issues.
- Familiarity with different approaches to masculinity and gender issues.
- Strong facilitation and training skills, with a focus on participatory methodologies.
- Ability to develop innovative and engaging training content.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Understanding of the local context and cultural dynamics related to GBV prevention and gender issues in Jordan.
- High or native level of Arabic.
- High level of English.
Application and submission deadline
The consultant must submit a technical and financial proposal (maximum 10 pages in total) including the following:
- Cover letter of maximum 500 words, highlighting the motivation and key skills for the service
- CV
- Tentative workplan
- Methodological approach
- Tentative activities and/or other relevant considerations
- Detailed financial proposal including all applicable taxes
All applications should be submitted by 10th February 2025. Please send your application to bmingo@aporsolidaridad.org and balshdeifat@aporsolidaridad.org with the subject line: ” Expert for Gender-Based Violence – [Your Name]”.
Pre-selected consultants may be requested to have an interview.
Proposals will be evaluated according to the following:
Academic profile 20%
Prior experience 30%
Quality of the proposal 30%
Added value 5%
Financial offer 15%
Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
Profiles not complying with the mandatory language requirements will not be considered.
“Alianza por la Solidaridad (the Spanish member of ActionAid International) is committed to preventing any kind of unwanted behavior at work, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity, and/or financial misconduct. We expect all our staff, volunteers, suppliers and partners to share this commitment and adhere to our code of conduct, as well as other policies related to and approved by the organization. Only those who share our values and code of conduct will be selected to work with us”
How to apply
All applications should be submitted by 10th February 2025. Please send your application to bmingo@aporsolidaridad.org and balshdeifat@aporsolidaridad.org with the subject line: ” Expert for Gender-Based Violence – [Your Name]”.
Pre-selected consultants may be requested to have an interview.