- Assignment :
The Jóvenes y Desarrollo Foundation, in collaboration with the Rinaldi Foundation, the Ministry of National Education of Haiti and funded by the European Union, is carrying out a project, Ref. NDICI LA 2023/446-340 whose main objective is: “To promote equitable and inclusive access for young Haitians, particularly young women and young people in vulnerable situations, to employability and/or permanence in the education system” aimed at improving the quality of vocational training in Haiti. Part of this project will require the development of educational tools, intended both for the management of educational institutions and for the socio-professional integration of young students in secondary education and technical and vocational training. These tools must be closely linked to subsequent training to ensure their coherence and effectiveness.
In this context, the Youth and Development Foundation is looking for an expert in competency-based approach methodology, capable of supporting the Rinaldi/ENTec Foundation team in the various educational activities of the project.
2. Essential functions:
Hire a consultant with experience in vocational training and competency-based approach (CBA) methodology to support the process of reviewing, implementing, and monitoring competency-based approach training and management modules. The consultant will also be required to design a monitoring and evaluation tool adapted to the management and implementation of CBA in Educational Centers.
The expert will also analyze the current functioning of the Career Guidance and Integration Network in order to identify areas for improvement and propose a strengthening strategy aimed at optimizing its effectiveness. In addition, it will be necessary to design tools and information files to facilitate professional reintegration and continuity of education. Finally, training for network stakeholders will be necessary to ensure proper use of the new tools developed.
The expert will analyze the existing curricula of the relevant FTP programs to identify the need for revision and adaptation of educational content. Based on this analysis, they will propose recommendations to improve the training programs. They will then design an implementation plan to integrate the curricular changes and support stakeholders in implementing the new guidelines.
The expert will be responsible for developing the educational framework for the new Agricultural Technical Baccalaureate program and developing teaching content tailored to educational and professional requirements. He/she will also design training modules to facilitate the implementation of this specialty, drawing on the teaching content developed. Finally, he/she will ensure the consistency of the content and modules with the norms and standards of the Ministry of Education.
3. Responsibilities and activities:
The consultant will have a series of tasks related to various aspects: management, training, curriculum review of the sectors and strengthening of the training and socio-professional integration network.
3.1 Development of management training modules for directors of educational centers:
- Review and optimize training modules in educational center management : ENTec has developed a draft of management modules lasting 105 hours. With this in mind, the consultant is expected to analyze, enrich, and expand these training modules in school management and administration to reach 450 hours, in accordance with INFP requirements. This revision will have to integrate the competency-based approach (CBA) methodology and cover the following areas: office automation, pedagogy, psychology and personal development, CBA and management tools, leadership and supervision, ethics, human resources management and labor code, as well as professional training and development.
At the same time, the consultant will have to provide support throughout the validation and accreditation process for these modules, ensuring their compliance with quality standards and the needs of the education sector.
- Develop a monitoring tool and carry out diagnostics: Design a monitoring and evaluation tool adapted to the management and implementation of the APC in educational centers. Also, carry out periodic diagnostics to identify specific weaknesses in each establishment in order to systematize the information that can feed into the new modules.
3.2 Training of directors of selected educational centers and INFP Inspectors in management modules:
- Support ENTec in training and monitoring activities;
- Provide technical support for the management of educational centers;
- Supporting “Trainers of Trainers” (FdeF): Supervising and supporting newly trained FdeFs in implementing the technical training framework intended for technical education trainers involved in training and monitoring APC management in CFPs.
3.3 Curriculum review and improvement of the programming of selected FTP courses:
- Analyze the existing curricula of the FTP sectors concerned: Technical assistance has already been engaged to carry out visits to the various vocational training centers and establish a diagnosis of the most relevant sectors to improve and adapt to the requirements of the labor market.
- Identify the needs for revision and adaptation of educational content.
- Propose recommendations for improving training programs.
- Design an implementation plan for integrating curriculum changes.
- Support stakeholders in the application of new guidelines.
- This activity will be led by ENTec, but will require the intervention of several experts for the review and improvement of the content.
3.4 Strengthening the local partner’s Professional Orientation and Integration Network:
The project aims to strengthen the mechanisms for guidance and professional integration of young people trained in Technical and Vocational Training (FTP) and secondary education centers. In this context, it is necessary to improve the structure of the Professional Guidance and Integration Network through the Employment Office.
- Design concise information files adapted to the realities of the job market.
- Structure information on opportunities for further training and career guidance.
- Develop educational tools to facilitate access to information for young people in integration.
- Provide follow-up training to local stakeholders for the use and dissemination of information files.
3.5 Design of a new agricultural BT specialty in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education.
- Develop the educational framework for the new agricultural BT sector.
- Develop educational teaching content adapted to educational and professional requirements.
- Design training modules facilitating the implementation of the specialty, based on the educational content developed.
- Ensure the consistency of content and modules with the norms and standards of the Ministry of Education.
4. Required qualifications:
The consultant must meet the following criteria:
- Academic Training : University degree in Education, Pedagogy, Educational Management or similar fields.
- Professional Experience : Minimum of 5 years of experience in professional training and competency-based approach methodology. Experience in cooperation and sustainable development and in school center management and administration is preferred.
- Technical Skills : In-depth knowledge of the competency-based approach methodology and experience in the development of teaching materials and training programs.
- Interpersonal Skills : Ability to organize and lead interactive online workshops and work effectively with diverse interest groups.
The consultant will work closely with the project team and the managers of the Salesian Vocational Training Technical Office (BTFPSA) and the Technical Normal School (ENTec). They will be required to use online platforms to organize and facilitate the workshops.
- Qualities sought:
- Demonstrate rigor in work as well as great availability;
- Have a sense of responsibility and work organization;
- Demonstrate autonomy;
- Proven experience with the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) and the National Institute for Vocational Training (INFP);
- Expertise in designing educational and informational tools.
- Knowledge of the needs of young people in transition to employment or training.
- Experience in guidance and professional integration in the FTP field.
- Be discreet about the data you will have access to.
- Good knowledge of the educational standards of the Ministry of Education.
- Ability to work with various stakeholders (institutions, training centers, professionals in the agricultural sector).
5. Duration of the consultation:
The contract agreement must cover the entire duration of the intervention.
The tasks will be distributed according to the expected results, and the budgets allocated to each activity are as follows:
- 3.1: Development of management training modules for directors of educational centers : €10,000
- 3.2: Training of directors of selected educational centers and INFP Inspectors in management modules**: €6,000**
- 3.3: Curriculum review and improvement of the programming of selected FTP courses**: €9,000**
- 3.4: Strengthening the local partner’s Professional Orientation and Integration Network : €6,000
- 3.5: Design of a new agricultural BT specialty in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education : €20,000
- Expected products:
6. Expected products:
3.1 Development of management training modules for directors of educational centers:
- Revised and optimized training modules;
- Functional monitoring tool;
- Periodic diagnostics where specific weaknesses of each establishment appear and systematize the information
3.2 Training of directors of selected educational centers and INFP Inspectors in management modules:
- Trainer support reports;
- Reports on training provided and monitoring of activities carried out;
- Validation of APC training standards;
3.3 Curriculum review and improvement of the programming of selected FTP courses:
- A precise diagnosis of the curricula of the relevant sectors.
- Concrete recommendations for improving teaching content and methods.
- An action plan for the implementation of curriculum revisions.
- Validation of proposals with key training stakeholders.
3.4 Strengthening the local partner’s Professional Orientation and Integration Network:
- A detailed diagnosis of the ROIP with recommendations for its improvement.
- A clear ROIP strengthening strategy including an action plan.
- Structured information files adapted to the needs of beneficiaries.
- Training of the stakeholders concerned to ensure effective implementation of the tools developed.
3.5 Design of a new agricultural BT specialty in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education:
- An educational framework structuring the new agricultural BT sector.
- Educational content developed and validated by the relevant stakeholders.
- Training modules designed and adapted to the needs of students and the agricultural sector.
How to apply
- Documents to present:
- A curriculum vitae (CV);
- A letter of recommendation from an educational center;
Proposals should be sent by email with the subject line: “Apply for APC consultant” to the following email address:
To the attention of :
Pedro Marquez: pedro.marquez@jovenesydesarrollo.org
Marta Herrera: marta.herrera@jovenesydesarrollo.org
In copy : Susana Gaspar: susana.gaspar@jovenesydesarrollo.org
Deadline for receipt of offers: April 20, 2025