Solidaridad Network is an international solution-oriented civil society organization working through eight regional expertise centres to transform markets to make them more sustainable and inclusive. Our eight regional expertise centres include Asia, Eastern and Central Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southern Africa, South America, West Africa and our global Secretariat in the Netherlands. Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa, one of the regional centres, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with country offices and programmes in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. We bring together supply chain players and engage them with innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximizes the benefit for all. We facilitate strengthening of local capacity in developing countries, support the creation of enabling environments for economies to thrive, and improve market access. Solidaridad embraces the public-private and people partnerships (PPPP) to test innovations, speed up change, and take success to scale. Globally, Solidaridad works around Coffee and other 12 commodities/sectors (http://www.solidaridadnetwork.org)
- The Pathways to Prosperity Coffee Project in Kenya
- Assignment Objective:
The Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Coffee Project is a 7-year project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs supporting smallholder coffee farmers through 3 pathways; (i) creating viable and resilient production systems ii) catalysing inclusive service delivery systems and iii) championing inclusive markets. The programme will co-create and implement tailored interventions to facilitate transformation in the coffee sector contributing to increased sustainable production (productivity and quality) and incomes, enhancing resilience to the impacts of climate change and other shocks and the creation of decent jobs and inclusive supply chains. The P2P project aims to build the capacity of 101,500 smallholder coffee farmers (30% women and 10% youth) from Nandi, Kericho, Kisii, Nyamira, Bungoma, Transnzoia and Bomet Counties to produce good quality coffee, strengthen the leadership and governance of 100 cooperatives and provide a platform for cooperatives to link & interact with 500 service providers to establish long term relations that go to serve the interests of both.
The intended long-term impact is that small- holder coffee farmers thrive by participating in the supply chain that is economically viable, socially responsible and environmentally sound by 2029. Smallholder coffee farmers will have an opportunity to participate in economically viable value chains by increasing their productivity through adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP’s) for increased incomes. It prioritises the inclusion of women and youth. Environmental conservation is a key element focusing on the adoption of climate-resilient practices, implementing carbon projects as well as adopting agroforestry.
2. 1 Background
The coffee sub-sector in Kenya has been facing challenges getting enough certified planting materials as the demand is often higher than the supply. Seeds and seedlings of improved coffee varieties like Ruiru 11 and Batian that are pest and disease-resistant are not readily available and farmers have to wait for long to get them and when they do, it is only a portion of what was required. To bridge this gap, cooperative societies are adopting a model where they establish nurseries, raise seedlings and supply them to their member farmers all year round. This ensures that farmers are planting new improved varieties that are not only high-yielding but are also climate resilient and exhibit pest and disease resistance.
The Pathways to Prosperity Coffee Project in Kenya is supporting the establishment of 25 coffee nurseries in Kenya to serve over 101,500 member farmers by providing high-quality certified planting materials. Propagators will be set up alongside the nurseries in line with CRI guidelines for the seeding of coffee seeds to ensure maximum germination and survival rates. The project will also train benefiting farmers, workers and youths on nursery management including grafting and top-working as an initiative geared towards job creation and women/youth involvement along the value chain. These nurseries will also incorporate the production of agro-forestry and shade trees for coffee farmers to incorporate carbon farming as an adaptation measure to climate change under our existing partnership with Rabobank on ACORN.
The overall objective of the assignment is to establish 25 coffee nurseries spread across 7 counties; Bomet, Kisii, Nyamira, Nandi, Kericho, Transnzoia and Bungoma.
- Responsibilities of the Provider /Scope of Work:
This Terms of Reference (TOR) seeks to have the consultant;
- Establish 25 nurseries (and propagators) spread across 7 counties i.e. Bomet, Kisii, Nyamira, Nandi, Kericho, Bungoma and Transnzoia as per the specifications provided on Annex A of this TOR.
- Train and support the beneficiaries (at least 10 per site) on all the good practices, innovations and climate-smart technologies being promoted as well as management of the nurseries during the during the establishment phase.
- Submit a final report compiled version of the report in electronic version in word format to the project after incorporating the feedback and suggestions from Solidaridad.
Coordination and Cooperation
● The Consultant undertaking the assignment will work under the coordination of Solidaridad (ECA).
● Solidaridad will source seeds and inputs used for planting in each nursery.
3.1 Expert/Consultant’s
Develop a comprehensive expression of interest (E.O.I) outlining:
• A short profile of the firm/consultant, including photos of previous work.
• Firm/Consultants statement on the interpretation of the TOR, methodology of execution, work plan and budget.
• A detailed work plan for the work.
• A detailed diagrammatic layout and designs for the nurseries
• At least a references of similar assignments undertaken in the last 3 years
• It is desirable if the consultant/firm has previous experience in setting-up and managing nurseries.
3.2 Installation Period:
The overall time frame of the activity installation will be 90 days (including Saturdays and Sundays), which will include the approach and methodology, construction and establishment of the nurseries (and coffee propagators) and presentation of the final completion report.
The consultancy firms/companies are required to submit an EOI containing a statement on the candidate’s experience with similar assignments, curriculum vitae, financial proposal, and work plan by March 10th, 2024 at 5:00pm (EAT).
How to apply
The completed proposal, together with a budget and work plan (inclusive of relevant taxes), should be submitted to;
Submissions are by email to procurement.eca@solidaridadnetwork.org while addressed to:
Attn: Managing Director
Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,
P.O. Box 42234 – 00100 GPO Nairobi
With the Subject below:
Expression of Interest for Establishment of 25 Coffee Nurseries in Bomet, Nyamira, Kisii, Nandi, Bungoma, Transnzoia, and Kericho for the Pathways to Prosperity Coffee Kenya Project – Solidaridad East and Central Africa.
Please note that only successful candidate will contacted.
i) Coffee Nurseries
– Fabrication of the metallic structure of 20m by 10m with 1.5 mm galvanized round tube, 42mm stakes, 38mm for arches , braces and support, 32mm for running and 25mm roll-ups.
– One lockable door designed with a disinfectant footpath.
– Profile clips to fasten the net.
-70-75% shading UV-treated mono-filament material shade net.
– 500 Litre storage tanks.
ii) Coffee Propagator Units (2 rows established next to the nursery)
– Establishment of 2 propagator units measuring 1.5m by 10m each
– Use of ½ inch PPR pipes for the canopy set-up and UV treated Polythene sheeting
– Use river sand, gravel/hardcore, topsoil, and cypress sawdust per the CRI guidelines.
-70% shade net for the shading.