Future Resilience and Development (FRAD) Foundation, is one of the local implementing partners (IP) for UNOCHA for the humanitarian response in Borno State Nigeria, providing relief, protection of women and girls from GBV, and inclusive nutrition response. FRAD is committed to building the resilience of the affected population in North-eastern Nigeria using locally driven solutions for sustainability. Active in Nutrition, education, livelihoods, women empowerment, youth development, and protection and promotion of rights. FRAD supports vulnerable populations to build resilience to the effects of the crises. FRAD began it operation in 2019, and is into protection, Nutrition, Protection, and Education Women’s protection and empowerment (WPE), Education, Child Protection, and Economic Recovery and Development (ERD).
FRAD Foundation is implementing a project “Providing protection to women and girls from GBV and gender sensitive and inclusive nutrition response in Magumeri and Damboa LGAs funded by NHF in Northeastern Nigeria. The response is aimed at providing immediate humanitarian assistance to 31,335 Internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and host populations in the two LGAs of Borno state, through an area-based approach.
The project leverage on community health extension workers (CHWs), volunteers, to deliver a multi-sectoral, area-based response by providing integrated interventions across the Nutrition, and protection against GBV to meet the most immediate and lifesaving needs of IDPs, host communities and returnees in Magumeri and Damboa LGAs in Borno State as well as addressing ongoing, protracted needs, and supporting early recovery through strengthening the capacity building of the community-based structures and increasing the ownership of life-saving, life-sustaining, and life-building services by local authorities, and communities to ensure sustainability. The Activity coordinates its approach with partners and the state government of Borno. The project mainstream safe programming and ensure the process of selection criteria is participatory and adheres to the “Do No Harm” principle. It is herein proposed that FRAD will be conducting an End-line review to assess the extent to which the project contributed to achieving its proposed results, contribute to improving the lives of the project beneficiaries, assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the project to learn from the processes of activities delivery and use the findings to affect the course of project intervention and evaluate lessons learned for future programming.
The independent consultant will carry out the analysis according to the ToR and will include necessary conflict sensitivity tools and exercises to meet study objectives. Some of these tools and areas of inquiry include but are not limited to, the following:
(a) secondary literature review/desk research
(b) Key informant interviews
(C) focus group discussions
(D) observations
(e) Data analysis etc.
The consultant will be the primary author of the evaluation report. She/he will not have been involved in the program implementation and will be hired through a transparent recruitment process, based on professional experience, competence and ethics, and integrity for this evaluation. The consultant or at least a team member should have experience working in the Northeast.
The purpose of this project evaluation is to assess the project’s achievements in relation to its goal, objectives, and outcomes. The evaluation will also help us learn from the intervention and hold the FRAD and the donor (UNOCHA/NHF) accountable. Additionally, the evaluation will provide recommendations for designing future projects in the target areas, including newly accessible areas. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the implementation strategy and the results. This includes the project’s execution methods, potential for replication, and its long-term viability. The assessment will also measure the realization of project outcomes, its adaptability for broader implementation, and the efficacy of the integration approach. Moreover, the evaluation will suggest opportunities for enhancement and knowledge acquisition. To achieve these aims, the evaluation will focus on the following essential areas (evaluation questions).
Below are Evaluation questions in line with the FRAD Evaluation Guideline to assess the project achievement in terms of its Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, coherence, and sustainability.
The indicative objectives of the evaluation study based on the RCEESI+E framework is given below:
RCEESI+E Proposed Sub-Objectives of the Evaluation Study
- The purpose is to evaluate the projects’ relevance and reasoning, as well as the mechanisms and methods used by the Board to achieve its goals.
- Additionally, it aims to assess whether the Board and its programs align with the current best practices to meet the objectives of the schemes and their sub-components.
- Lastly, the relevance of the implementation mechanisms and methods in place for identifying leaks will be evaluated
- To assess whether the project components of the GBV and nutrition are synergetic with each other, thus, adequately addressing inter-linkages within the NHF program activities.
- To assess the outputs achieved against the targets and inputs, and to identify project processes leading to successes and failures.
- To identify the gaps and challenges in achieving the targets and implementation of the project.
- To analyze the successes and challenges of the project, adoption of best practices, activity planning, accountability, transparency measures, etc.
- To examine the use of monitoring, evaluation, transparency, and accountability measures to avoid leakages in the implementation of schemes.
- To document scalable/ replicable practices and innovative processes built by the FRAD implementation across the location
- To assess the efficiency of the different sectors and processes involved in the project implementations (including institutional and human resource capacity, and monitoring mechanism).
To assess the economic, social, and environmental sustainability/ viability of both nutrition and GBV that are implemented by FRAD in both Magumeri and Damboa LGAs.
To assess whether the assessed impacts of the project are sustainable even without the intervention/ after the project period.
To study the sustainability of the monitoring and accountability mechanisms created at the grassroots level.
To assess outcomes achieved against the baseline and targets.
To study the impact of the project and programs against its objectives and their roles.
To examine the accessibility and availability of the project to the vulnerable households across the Magumeri and Damboa LGAs, Borno state, NE Nigeria
To assess the coverage of clients belonging to vulnerable and disadvantaged sections including women, children, and persons living with disability (PLWD).
1. The content and the structure of the final analytical report with findings, and recommendations covering the scope of the assessment should meet the requirements of the NHF including the following:
I. Inception Report, Inception workshop, Preliminary desk review, Develop data collection plan and tools, Write inception report.
II. Comprehensive Desk Review, Conduct an in-depth literature review.
III. Data collection: Refine tools based on the desk review, disseminate online survey, Train enumerators, and Conduct KIIs and FGDs.
IV. Reporting: Data cleaning and analysis, Organize and holding a remote workshop (presentation of preliminary findings and conduct sensitization on conflict and context analysis), Draft report writing, Organize and hold remote workshops to present findings and recommendations, and co-develop work plans, and Final report writing.
Qualifications / Experience / Skills (Preferred):
Master’s degree in Research, Humanitarian/Development Studies, Statistics, Education, Economics, Social Sciences, or any other relevant studies.
How to apply
Interested and qualified candidates should apply by sending an Application letter, CV/lead consultant profile, relevant evaluation conducted/ link to research work to the following email address: hr.admin@fradfoundation.org On or before 15th February 2024.
- The title of the position must be indicated in the subject line of your e-mail. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis due to urgency of need of the position
- Women are strongly encouraged to apply.