JOB OFFER N°082 / ADMIN / IMC- SK-DRC / 01 / 2025
South Kivu Province:
JANUARY 20, 2025
FEBRUARY 07, 2025
IMPORTANT NOTE : International Medical Corps never asks job applicants to pay fees, charges, or any other monetary transaction. If you are asked for money as part of this recruitment; please report it to International Medical Corps at the website listed at the end of this document.
- Program Overview
International Medical Corps is implementing, in consortium with Save the Children, MEDAIR and CARE International, a health, nutrition, protection and hygiene project for internally displaced populations and vulnerable host communities in the provinces of Ituri, North and South Kivu. This project, called “TUMAINI-HOPE” funded by BHA/USAID, aims to save lives, reduce suffering, strengthen dignity and resilience and enhance the protection of boys, girls and their families affected by conflict and violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
In the health sector, IMC supports four health zones in the provinces of South Kivu and North Kivu to meet the basic needs of those in need, ensure their physical and mental well-being, and provide free access to primary and secondary medical care.
It is within this framework that IMC seeks to recruit One (1) “ Consultant Medical Specialist in Surgery” to lead continuing education sessions for the benefit of health personnel at the HGR of KILEMBWE and the LULIMBA HOSPITAL
- Brief description of the position
The specialist will be assigned to each hospital for a period of 14 days to provide continuing education. The organization and delivery of this training will not disrupt the continuity of service provision within the hospital and will target only the staff designated and assigned to the department concerned at the time of the training.
The consultant will be responsible for:
- Conducting a literature review (including Ministry of Health documents relating to continuing education strategies, and any other documentation related to the objective of the consultancy, as well as the management of the SNIS tool in service, and).
- Develop training courses and monitoring tools.
- Provide continuing training in close collaboration with the BCZS and the General Reference Hospital
- Develop a post-training follow-up plan
- Strengthening the operational medical library
- Prepare the final report
Additional tasks
The above mentioned tasks are not fixed and are therefore subject to additions and modifications at any time. Given the nature of this position and the working conditions in the DRC, other tasks may be assigned by senior management at any time depending on the needs of the mission.
Ethical Conduct of IMC Staff
International Medical Corps maintains a code of conduct standards that shall govern the performance of its employees engaged in the award and administration of contracts. No employee, officer or agent shall participate in the selection, award or administration of a contract funded by donor funds if a real or apparent conflict of interest is involved.
Such a conflict arises when the employee, official or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization that employs or is about to employ any of the parties listed above, has a financial or other interest in the company selected for an award.
IMC officers, employees or agents shall not solicit or accept any gratuities, favors or anything else of monetary value from contractors or parties to secondary agreements.
These standards provide for disciplinary measures to be applied in the event of violation of these standards by IMC officials, employees or agents.
Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse
“ Sexual exploitation ” means the abuse or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, power, or trust for sexual purposes, including for the purpose of gaining financial, social, or political advantage from the sexual exploitation or abuse of another person. Staff must actively promote the PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) standards within International Medical Corps and among beneficiaries served by International Medical Corps.
Compliance and Ethics
Promote and encourage a culture of compliance and ethics within International Medical Corps. As applicable to the position, maintains a clear understanding of and adheres to International Medical Corps and donor compliance and ethics standards. Performs work with the highest level of integrity. Communicates and requires adherence to these values to staff and partners.
- Skills, experience and qualifications
The following skills and qualifications are required for the consultant position:
- Experience in carrying out similar missions of at least 2 years
- Five (05) years of professional clinical experience as a practitioner/physician in the field in which he/she has a specialization.
- Knowledge of the health system in the DR Congo
Mandatory criteria
- Be a Congolese citizen and present a valid identity document.
- Have a specialization in the field of internal medicine, obstetrics-gynecology or pediatrics.
- Be already registered with the medical association and present a valid medical license
- Submit a copy of the specialist license
Added value to your profile
- Practicing physician at a teaching university recognized by the country’s Ministry of Public Health
Female candidates are strongly encouraged. With equal qualifications, female candidates will be given preference.
Transportation coverage, survival costs and emoluments will be borne according to the International Medical Corps DRC scale.
How to apply
How to apply
Those interested in the offer must send their application files addressed to the Head of Mission of IMC – DR Congo no later than February 7, 2025, via the following link:
Application files must include the following documents :
- Cover letter indicating the health area/hospital of choice and the area of expertise.
- Detailed CV.
- Copy of the diploma of specialization in the desired field
- Copy of the CNOM card
- Copy of the certificate of assignment to a hospital as a clinician
- Copy of the certificate of assignment to a university clinic as a trainer is a plus
- Copy of identity document
- Copy of a letter of registration with one of the medical branches in the DRC
Other documents will be requested during the process. Only candidates who meet the pre-selection criteria will be contacted for testing.