CARE BEST INITIATIVE is implementing the project “Delivering Life Saving RRM WASH
Assistance to Persons Affected by Acute crisis in Ngala/Gamboru LGA, Borno State” under UNICEF
funding is inviting competent, and established suppliers’/service providers capable of Constructing and
Repairing WASH Facilities in HFs to submit offers.
The tender documents can be retrieved FOC from 29 th June 2023 to 12 th July 2023 between 10:00 am to
03:00 pm at the following address:
Care Best Initiative Office
Behind UN Office
Pompomari Bypass,
Borno State
Or can be downloaded on https://bit.ly/3NnH5Nm for Sanitation Facilities and/or
https://bit.ly/3PAov7d for Stance Latrine free of charge.
Potential bidders are encouraged to consult www.ngojobsite.com regularly for potential modifications to
the present tender and/or the bidding documents.
The deadline for submitting completed tender bids is 12 th July 2023.
Award of contract will follow, following the internal evaluation process.
The organization reserves the right to accept or reject any part of, or the entire tender in accordance with
internal procedures.
CBI will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and
submission of their bids to CBI.