Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live with dignity.
Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organization without religious or political affiliations that operates in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster.
We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions, and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
Since its creation in 1982, the HI Federation has made up of eight national associations (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States) has launched programs in more than 60 countries.
HI is co-owner of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for her decisive action in the fight against antipersonnel mines and for being co-founder of the Campaign to Ban Antipersonnel Mines (ICBL).
On the continent, HI is present in Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Peru and Venezuela, implementing projects at the national and regional levels. As part of our strategy we are analyzing to carry out operations also in Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama). The projects implemented by HI or through its partners in Latin America are organized in three axes: (i) health (mental health and psycho-social support, rehabilitation, sexual and reproductive health and rights, protection against gender violence), (ii) protection (protection against violence, inclusive risk management, humanitarian demining and comprehensive action against mines, mine risk education, victim assistance, conflict transformation); (iii) inclusive education and sustainable livelihoods (inclusive education,economic and financial inclusion).
For more information about the association, see the following websites: international site: www.hi.org | regional site for Latin America and the Caribbean: www.hi-lac.org
This call is made within the framework of the new project Promoting Access to education and Social Inclusion of NNAs with and without disabilities in Ecuador – PAIS which is implemented in Quito in a consortium between HI and two Ecuadorian partners in the education sector, for 3 years.
The general objective is to contribute to the promotion and access to education of children, social inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in Quito, Ecuador.
Girls, boys and adolescents ( NNA ) with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society. People with disabilities, mainly NNAs, compared to their non-disabled peers, are more likely to experience the consequences of social, economic, and cultural inequality. HI and its partners implement a three-year project with NNA, their families, caregivers, authorities and relevant services, aimed at better recognition of diversity, that promote access to education and social inclusion of disability. The project contributes to the goal of preventing, mitigating, and eradicating inequality by promoting NNA rights.
The logic of intervention is based on a two-track approach, improving on the one hand the access of NNAs to educational services and their active participation, and on the other, attending to the specific requirements of NNAs with disabilities or with specific educational needs to the educational environment. To this approach, a strengthening component of the members of the consortium and of Ecuadorian civil society is added to give more sustainability to the project.
Inclusive education is a process of increasing participation and reducing exclusion in order to meet the diverse needs of all students. Inclusive education is a broad concept that refers to the right of all children to access and benefit from education. The project pays special attention to children with disabilities and specific learning needs.
The Accounting and Financial Officer – based in Quito, is responsible for the regular maintenance of accounts, the closing of accounts, the monitoring of accounts payable and receivable, the identification of fixed assets, the filing of supporting documents and compliance with the standards of the organization and the regulatory framework of the country. He is responsible for the periodic accounting of one or more cash boxes, keeping the advance book, verifying the supporting documents, preparing payments and complying with the standards of the organization and the regulatory framework of the country.
Additionally, it produces quality financial information and contributes to the application and dissemination of the budget framework, local and donor rules and tools, HI procedures and standards in the financial field.
- Country Representative
- Regional Accountant Manager
- PAIS Project Heads
- AVSF accounting and finance team
- PAIS project partners
- Regional Finance Manager
- Project officers
- Regional Logistics and Procurement Officers
Mission 1: Risk management
• Supervises and informs its hierarchical superior and its functional manager about the accounting risks related to cash of which it is aware and contributes to its mitigation.
• Helps to identify accounting and legal risks for HI within your area of responsibility.
• Participates in strengthening the skills of partners in the financial and cash management area.
Mission 2: Standards and Specialized Knowledge
• Deploy all HI policies, processes, and financial tools within your area of
• Ensures that HI’s legal obligations are met and produces the required financial documents.
• Reports any changes in the rules, jurisprudence or practices of other parties
interested in the financial field of which you are aware.
• Complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD).
• Implements and complies with the procedure to archive financial documents and publishes and updates
financial documents in dedicated workspaces.
• Contributes to internal control within your area of responsibility and applies the identified corrective actions.
Mission3: Operational Execution
Responsibility 1: Regular maintenance of Accounting
• Make daily entries in the Accounting Information System (SI) (and in the country IF necessary), ensuring that seat descriptions are accurate and consistent with accounting assignments and that all required fields are completed, according to the HI account plan (and the country’s accounting plan, if necessary).
• Receive supporting documents and translate essential elements into one of HI’s working languages (French or English).
• Formalizes requests to create or close account diaries in the accounting IS.
• Prepare all documents for the monthly and annual closing of accounts.
• Create Immo sheets (fixed assets) in the accounting IS and send the identification number of the fixed assets to Logistics for registration in the Equipment Monitoring Table.
• Request the exemption from Value Added Tax (VAT) and prepare the declarations (if applicable).
• Prepare any backup document requested by internal or external auditors.
• It may be necessary to temporarily replace a member of the accounting / finance team.
Responsibility 2: File Accounting Documents
• Produces proof of accounting documents.
• Ensures the readability and regular scanning of backup documents.
• Monthly archive the scanned documents on a server and the paper documents in a place that guarantees their physical integrity.
• Sending the backup documents in digital and physical to the central office (Caracas) on a regular basis, 15 days after the end of the month.
Responsibility 3: Make Payments and Pay advances
• Produces proof of accounting documents.
• Enter and disburse money from the boxes for which you are responsible and record the movements in a cash book.
• Pay advances, record them in an advance book, and make up for them.
• Periodically check the cash balances against the cash book and the advance book.
• Supervise the availability of cash in the boxes and alert Treasurer if there is a risk of not covering the expenses during a certain period. It prepares a verified and approved cost projection by the Project managers.
• Prepare checks and bank transfer orders, present them to the bank’s signatories, and keep a copy.
• Oversee the number of checkbooks available and order new ones as needed.
• Adheres to security, custody and alert procedures to your supervisor in the event of an incident.
Responsibility 4: Guarantees the Quality and Availability of Backup Documents.
• Verifies the admissibility of supporting documents with respect to HI and the country’s regulations, records them in the Accounting Information System (SI) and files them.
• Oversee advances and their supports.
• Prepare supporting documents requested by internal or external auditors.
Responsibility 5: Accounting and Financial Management of Partners
• Review the documentation sent by the partners as the justification of expenses and make the corrections.
• Retrofeed the Administrative and Financial Manager on the disagreements found and the aspects to improve on the part of the partner.
• Produces an analysis of the capacities of partners in the financial field (for example, budget monitoring tools) and, based on this analysis, develops a capacity development plan for these partners.
• Produces an analysis of the capacities of partners in the financial field (for example, budget monitoring tools) and, based on this analysis, develops a capacity development plan for these partners.
• Support the Project Manager in the periodic monitoring of the partner’s budget (s) and in the actions to be taken in the event of a diversion.
• Enter any change in the accounting of costs and budgetary modifications related to the associations in the Financial Information System (FIS).
• Helps partners organize to meet the deadlines of the financial calendar.
Responsibility 6: Contributes to financial and budgetary management.
• Participate in the construction and adjustment of budgets with those responsible for the budget.
• Provides budget managers with regular budget monitoring reports and helps them use tools.
• Prepare and update resource allocation tables (human, logistical, etc.) and communicate them to interested departments.
• Integrates budget adjustments to budget monitoring tools and enters changes in cost accounting into the Financial Information System (FIS).
• Contributes to optimizing the use of HI’s own funds.
• Meets the terms of the HI financial calendar.
• Consolidate cash flow needs within your area of responsibility.
• Prepare answers to questions from internal and statutory auditors.
Responsibility 7: Contributes to financial and budgetary management.
• Contribute to the financial management of institutional financing in accordance with the guidelines of “ donors ” and contractual obligations.
• Helps with the writing of financing proposals for institutional donors; compile proposals from multiple programs when the program is a leader.
• Optimize financing schedules (coverage of office and support expenses) in the drafting or revision of institutional financing proposals.
• Ensures that donor obligations are realistic and consistent with HI procedures (payment dates and methods and financial reports, expense justification methods, exchange rates, audits, etc.)
• Informs budget managers about the financial rules of institutional donors and verifies their application.
• Verify monitoring of funding costs and provide budget managers with donor budget monitoring reports. It oversees consumption rates, issues alerts in case of risk of non-compliance with flexibility rules and anticipates diversions by preparing contractual modifications with its interlocutors.
• Produces financial reports for institutional donors in accordance with donor guidelines.
• Prepare payment requests for donors and inform your direct superior in the event of a (possible) delay in payments.
• Enter information regarding donor contracts into the FIS: donor budgets, cost accounting and budget modifications, schedules, reports, etc.
• Prepare answers to questions from internal auditors and donors.
• Archives budgets and financial reports shared with institutional donors (with an internal and external version) in dedicated storage spaces.
Note that this job profile must remain alterable, respond to additional tasks, or changes as identified by the hierarchical boss.
Education and Knowledge
- Bachelor of Public Accounting.
- A minimum of 2 years of experience in financial monitoring of international cooperation projects
- Experience in using computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.). Advanced Excel (dynamic table management).
- Experience in managing accounting software.
- Experience working with INTERNATIONAL NGO a plus.
- Sensitivity to humanitarian work
- Ethical commitment and behavior
- Cooperation and communication
- High numerical analysis capacity
- Synthesis capacity
- High planning, coordination and negotiation capacity (internal and external)
Cross-cutting competences
- Sensitivity to humanitarian work
- Cooperation and communication
- Adaptation to change and Resilience
- Agility and innovation
Interpersonal competences
- Ethical values and constructive criticism
- Spirit of cooperation / collaboration (look for feedback / listen)
- Sense of responsibility (internal / external)
- Diplomacy
- Audacity (shows initiative / entrepreneurial temperament)
- Resilience in the face of stress and uncertainty
- Self-criticism (listen and seek to improve)
- Pragmatism, ability to adapt easily
- Autonomy and sense of responsibility (focused on results and prioritization capacity).
- Cultural sensitivity, diversity, gender, religion, race, nationality and age Commitment to the mission, vision and values of HI
Remuneration / type of contract: In relation to dependency in business rotation modality with remuneration according to budget availability, with a salary of USD. $ 1,200 plus law benefits.
Beneficios: Seguro médico privado, 30 días calendario de vacaciones anuales, acceso a fondo de capacitación, posibilidad de teletrabajar dos días por semana, cuando las actividades de campo no estén programadas.
La contratación estará a cargo de la ONG AVSF Ecuador.
How to apply
Se esperan candidaturas hasta el 10 de marzo de 2024, cualquier candidatura que llegue posteriormente no será considerada.
Para postular su candidatura debe enviar una hoja de vida y una carta de motivación a la siguiente dirección: convocatorias-ecuador@hi.org con copia a saranchi@avsf.org
Poner en el asunto del mensaje: “Candidatura Oficial Contable Financiero Quito”
Los/as aspirantes que no sean preseleccionados no serán notificados a la entrevista.
- All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
- HI, being an organization that promotes the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, encourages this group of people to apply for this position.