Action Against Hunger_ACF


Votre environnement de travail

Action Against Hunger has been operating in Cameroon since 2014, following the massive and sudden influx of refugees fleeing the Central African crisis and subsequently the Boko Haram crisis. The multiple offensives in each border area of Cameroon have caused significant internal displacements and significant arrivals of refugees. Since then, ACF has implemented its humanitarian response with an integrated and multi-sectoral approach, with interventions in health and nutrition, water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH), mental health and care practices, food security and livelihoods for vulnerable people, including Cameroonian internally displaced persons (IDPs), Central African refugees as well as returnees and host communities. In 2021, ACF wishes to continue humanitarian intervention in areas still presenting humanitarian needs by also providing post-emergency support for recovery and by implementing development projects. Our team manages operations worth approximately 6.5 million euros.

Buea is the capital of the South West region and the largest city in the region. It is located about 300 kilometers west of Yaoundé. The situation remains tense in the city and surrounding areas, with cases of urban crime (i.e. thefts, violent thefts), clashes between non-state armed groups and security forces in all English-speaking regions, in remote areas but also in cities. There is 1 compound for housing ACF international teams offering correct living conditions to expatriates.

Votre poste et vos responsabilités

The Health and Nutrition Programme Manager will establish and manage a nutrition and health programme, integrating WASH and mental health care practices components (MHCP) for populations affected by the crisis in the southwest region, Cameroon.


Under the supervision of the field coordinator, you will be responsible of the following missions:

  • Establish and supervise activities in the framework of nutrition projects.
  • Organise staff development programmes for the AAH teams.
  • Train and manage the programme teams; organise and lead general and individual meetings with the team on both a regular and ad hoc basis,…
  • Develop and direct operations in the Health/Nutrition sector for the area.
  • Contribute to proposals for new activities in his/her zone.
  • Represent AAH and develop local partnerships.

Votre profil

  • You hold a background in health (medical doctor, nurse).
  • Others backgrounds might be considered but then a strong public health / Nutrition knowledge and constant training on health matters needs to be proven.
  • Managerial competencies and solid experiences are mandatory.
  • An experience in WASH projects and in hard to reach areas would be an asset.
  • You have a good knowledge in the implementation of the minimum package of activities in health centers or in direct implementation via mobile clinics.
  • You have excellent interpersonal and representation skills.

Vos conditions d’emploi

  • 2 months contract under French legislation
  • Monthly gross salary from 2130€ to 2475€ upon experience
  • Per diem and living allowance: 583 Euros net, field paid
  • Monthly country allowance: 450 Euros
  • 16% of monthly gross salary as reimbursement of retirement insurance for non-French citizen
  • Child allowance, 1500€/year/child (capped to 6000€)
  • Coverage of transportation costs to and in the mission100% coverage of health contributions (social security + private insurance) and repatriation insurance
  • 25 days of paid leaves per year
  • 20 RnR per year. + 215 € at each RnR period

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

It is a really challenging position in a hard to reach context where AAH is one of the only humanitarian partners supporting the SW region in health programs. There is room and need for project expansion, for other donors fundraising and ideas for innovation in health to be developed in the future. The team at field level has quite good technical knowledge and lack the support of a high standing line manager.

The challenges are important: South-West is a region which demands frequently remote supervision of the activities implementations (security reasons), the turnover of this position has been quite important thus it is expected from this PM to ensure a excellent level of motivation and commitment from the rest of the team.