Baseline of Country Strategy (FY2024 – FY2028) At Plan International

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About Plan International

Plan International strives to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organization, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years, we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries.

Plan International Nigeria was registered in Nigeria in 2014 and is part of the global federation of Plan International. As a federation, Plan International has six Areas of Global Distinctiveness(AoGDs) that define our work, our influencing priorities, and our partnerships. These AOGDs include; Inclusive Quality Education (IQE), Skills and Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (SOYEE), Children, Adolescents, and Youth as Active Drivers of Change (LEAD), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Early Childhood Development (ECD), and Protection from Violence (PfV). Plan International Nigeria currently operates from six programme units/offices, and one Country Office seated at Abuja.

Plan International Nigeria commenced operations in Nigeria with a three-year Business Plan from 2014 to 2017. The Plan was reviewed and revised in 2015 into a two-year Country Strategy (FY2017-FY2018), with the ambition that “Children, adolescents and youth, especially girls, enjoy their basic rights in safety and achieve their potential as citizens including, during and after disasters.” Following suit, a Country Strategy titled “Transforming power relations in favour of girls in Nigeria”, was developed for FY2020 to FY2024, and ended in June 2024.

Project Background

In alignment with the five-year Plan International’s Global strategy launched in 2022 “All Girls Standing Strong Creating Global Change”, and Plan International Nigeria’s membership journey to operate as a National Organization, Plan International Nigeria developed a new Country strategy (FY2024 – FY2028) titled, “Girls are empowered to take action and drive change”, with the objective of reaching and empowering 20 million girls in Nigeria by June 30th, 2029.

Through the six Areas of Global Distinctiveness (AoGDs), Plan International Nigeria will navigate through the challenges of poor governance, economic setbacks, sustained insecurity, daunting corruption practices, gender inequalities, harmful cultural norms, and weak political will to deliver on the objective that 20 million girls in Nigeria are empowered to learn, lead, decide and thrive.

Purpose of the Baseline

  1. Assessment of Baseline Values for Project Indicators
  • To conduct baseline assessment (including data collection, analysis, and presentation) in line with Plan International’s 6 Areas of Global Distinctiveness (AoGDs)
  • To establish evidence-based and data-driven baseline measurements/data sets that will be the information-base, against which to monitor and evaluate the four country strategy’s programmes and six organizational objectives progress.
  • To use information obtained from the baseline to provide strategic, constructive and contextualized recommendations for planning, implementation, management, and decision-making, as regards the country strategy.

Users of the Baseline

The intended users of the Baseline activity include but are not limited to beneficiaries, donors, stakeholders, relevant government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), Plan International Nigeria and International staff, and offices.

Methods for Data Collection and Analysis

The consultant is expected to specify participatory methodologies for quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis that is appropriate for the Country Strategy baseline indicators, as this will be used to consistently assess the country strategy programmes, and indicators at mid-term and end-line evaluations.

The baseline activity is expected to include but not limited to collecting both primary and secondary data from structured questionnaires, key informant/in-depth interviews, case studies, and focus group discussions (FGDs) etc. with project participants, Plan International staff, Project participants, relevant government and community leaders. In addition, the activity will review secondary data from existing projects, programmes, and Plan International publications to determine the extent of Plan International Nigeria’s impact in geographic locations and areas of global distinctiveness.

Note: It is expected that the Consultant (s) will develop a detailed methodology for data collection, data management and analysis in their proposal. This methodology should be in direct response to the project indicators and, if applicable, other baseline research questions regarding the project context. This methodology will be further unpacked in the Inception Report by the consultant once the baseline is underway.


The consultant is also expected to specify a statistically valid and cost-effective strategy for sampling. It is essential that the consultant adopts a sampling strategy that demonstrates a high statistical power including a description of:

  • Sample size (or expectations of the consultant (s) in calculating it)
  • Necessary respondent disaggregation
  • Number and type of locations
  • Sampling approach

Other sampling information could be added at the consultant’s discretion.

Participant Selection and Recruitment

To ensure the Consultant(s) seeks these views in the evaluation process, the following are key stakeholders and target groups the consultant is expected to be involved with.

  • Children of different age groups who represent the communities in which Plan operates;
  • Community representatives;
  • Representatives from all Plan partner organizations including Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs);
  • Representatives from Government;
  • Plan staff, representing programmes, grants, resource mobilization, People and Culture, Finance, Supply Chain, influencing and communication
  • Peer organizations, WACA regional hub, and National Offices.
  • Plan International Nigeria Board Members, donors, and Plan Nigeria girl platforms, such as the Girls Get Equal (GGE).

The consultant(s) could also identify and suggest additional or excluded stakeholders that they feel are important to involve to ensure they get the information they need to assess the baseline values thoroughly.

Ethics and Child Protection

Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with the Ethical MERL Framework and our Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy. All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the data collection process. Specifically, the consultant(s) shall explain how appropriate, safe, and non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups. The consultant(s) shall also explain how confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be guaranteed*.*


The consultant shall propose a realistic cost estimate for this assignment, including a breakdown of the budget and justification of expenses. The budget shall include only those costs that can be directly attributed to the activities proposed. This should be submitted separately from the Technical Proposal.

Expected Qualifications

Interested individual candidates/firms should possess:

  • The lead consultant must be an experienced social scientist with excellent skills in research, monitoring and evaluation of child-centred community development programs and a strong understanding of rights-based programming.
  • Individual experts are expected to have a minimum of a Master’s Degree in relevant courses and over 10 years of experience.
  • Knowledge and experience in Strategic Planning and Reviews, Organizational Development and Program Management at national and international level
  • Senior-level Management Experience (preferably executive level) at national and international levels (at least one consultant) is a must.
  • Experience in designing and managing change processes.
  • Knowledge and experience in children’s rights and gender analysis.
  • The team composition should reflect a good gender balance
  • An excellent understanding of the theory of change concepts and country strategy document.
  • Good understanding of M&E methodologies and participatory research methodology such as PRA, etc.
  • Experience of conducting key informant interviews and focus group discussions.
  • Experience working in the location and local Languages
  • Excellent English writing and communication skills.
  • Ability to work and travel within disaster risk areas.

The assessment team will be expected to sign and abide by Plan International’s values, compliance statements and key policies.


The Country Monitoring Evaluation Research and Learning (MERL) Manager will be the main contact person during the Country strategy baseline study.

Proposal submissions should be organized as follows:

  • Technical proposal (main content and body not exceeding 10 pages): The technical proposal should reflect the consultant’s understanding of the TORs and how all the tasks in the Scope of Work will be undertaken. The consultant will also provide a detailed methodology and plan of specific activities and timetable for carrying out the assignment.
  • Financial Budget: The consultant shall propose a realistic cost estimate for this assignment, including a breakdown of the budget and justification of expenses. The budget shall include only those costs that can be directly attributed to the activities proposed. This should be submitted separately from the Technical Proposal.
  • Statutory Requirements: As required, consultancy firms should provide copies of registration certificates and VAT compliance certificates.
  • Personnel and experience: The consultants/firm shall list and briefly describe the experience, qualifications and specific roles of the consultant(s) proposed to work on the assignment. Detailed resumes of the core team of proposed consultants should be provided
  • Reference information on previous assignments: Plan International Nigeria shall request successful bidder/s to present previous reports as evidence of capacity or drafting ability.

How to apply


Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:

  • Detailed response to the TOR
  • Proposed methodology
  • Ethics and child safeguarding approaches, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies
  • Proposed timelines
  • CVs
  • Example of previous work
  • Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.
  • Police Certificates of Good Conduct – especially where there is primary data collection

Interested Consultants are to send their application via or hand deliver to our Office at 49 Anthony Enahoro Street, Utako Abuja, Nigeria not later than 5.00 pm on November 20th , 2023 referencing “Baseline for Country Strategy (FY2024 – FY2028).

Female candidates are encouraged to apply.