Graphiste print et digital – H/F – Dakar Seat At ALIMA

ALIMA International NGO


L’ESPRIT ALIMA : ’alima’s reason for being is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any identity, religious or political discrimination, through actions based on closeness, and, L’innovation et l’ alliance of’organisations and’individuals. We act with humanism, impartiality and respect for l’ethics universal medical. In order to access patients, we are committed to intervening in a neutral and independent manner.

CARE – INNOVATE – TOGETHER :Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 10 million patients, and today deploys its operations in 12 countries of’Africa. In 2022, we developed more than 60 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All these projects are in support of national health authorities through nearly 511 health facilities (including 47 hospitals and 464 health centres). We work in partnership, including with local NGOs, as soon as possible to improve access and transfer of skills that ensures the sustainability of our actions to our patients. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we conduct operational and clinical research projects, including,in particular to combat malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

THE ALIMA TEAM :More than 2,000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, as close as possible to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capital of the countries of intervention’. These receive the support of the 4 desk teams and the’ team of the emergency department and openings based at the operational headquarters of Dakar, Senegal. The teams of Paris and New York are actively working on fundraising and’ at the representation of’ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams working on behalf of’ other organizations such as BEFEN Medical NGOs, Health ALERT, SOS Doctors, KEOOGO, AMCP-SP, and others, DEMTOU-Humanitaire, the research organizations PAC-CI, Inserm, the Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen and many others.

OUR COUNTRIES D’INTERVENTIONS : Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Chad, Ukraine.

OUR THEMES PROJECT : Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Coronavirus, Lassa Fever), Research, Hospitalization, Emergencies, Gender-based Violence, vaccinations, mental health, …

LOCATION OF THE POST : The position is based at’ALIMA operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. A priori no displacements (or then on an exceptional basis for a punctual need justifying it).


Level 3 : As part of his duties, the incumbent of the position will be required to visit the programs and be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, the verification of the criminal record or the presentation of a certificate of good life and morals will be necessary. In situations where the’ impossibility of providing a criminal record or a certificate of good life and morals is noted, a declaration on the’honneur will be requested.


Hierarchical supervisor : Director of Communication

Technical references : Institutional communication officer

Personnel under your hierarchical responsibility : 0

You mainly collaborate with :

  • At Headquarters in Dakar : Direction de la Communication (notably the /the Head of Institutional Communication and Fundraising, Digital pole), other services “clients” internally
  • In France : Directorate of Development
  • In Countries : Country Missions, ALIMA USA, ALIMA UK
  • Externally : communication providers (creative freelancers, suppliers..).


In a context of growth in its activity, ALIMA wishes to significantly increase its reputation, its positioning and its influence, in the target countries of the collection (today’hui : France, USA, UK, etc, Belgium, Switzerland). The’impact and the coherence of its visual identity is therefore an important lever to achieve these objectives.

In this context, the /the Graphic Designer is the guardian of the’ visual identity of’ALIMA and plays a central role in the design and production of all on-and-offline graphic media.


In accordance with the strategic guidelines and priorities set by the Communication Directorate, You will be in charge of :

  • Respect and strictly enforce the ALIMA Brandbook (graphic, print, video, digital and editorial) by all ALIMA stakeholders (employees, service providers and partners) ;
  • Guarantee the design, creation and graphic production of the various on-line and offline communication media according to the deadlines and the level of quality required ;

Your goals will be both :

  • Qualitatives : consolidate the’ brand image of’ALIMA through a relevant, coherent and impactful graphic expression
  • Quantitative : deliver on time and according to the quality required the communication media on-line and offline ordered


1.Respect and strictly enforce the ALIMA Brandbook (graphic, print, video, digital and editorial charters) by all ALIMA stakeholders (employees, service providers and partners)

  • Verify the graphic conformity of all media issued at Headquarters
  • Position yourself as the resource person with country field communication officers to support them in verifying the graphic conformity of the elements produced by the Missions
  • Set up trainings of’aide to the use of the graphic charter for ALIMA collaborators to help them to appropriate the graphic charter
  • Ensure the regular updating of all communication media made available to employees (ex: change of’ address involving an update of certain media, etc, template made available on intranet, reference documents and templates stored in the Drive Communication, documents provided during the’ boarding of new employees…).

2.Guarantee the design and production of on-line and offline communication media

  • Ensure strict compliance with the internal process relating to orders placed at the graphic studio: management of traffic planning (timeline of orders created), receipt of orders according to the process in force
  • Assure a consulting mission to the other internal departments of the headquarters but also to the Missions to accompany them in the’ expression of their needs and their graphic translation
  • Design and produce on-line and offline materials (e.g.: Annual report, Powerpoint presentations, landing pages, web banners, brochures, on-line and offline visibility materials : wallpaper, business cards, kakemonos, stand coverings) according to the deadlines and the level of quality required.
  • In particular, actively contribute to communication on social networks: coordinate with the’ digital communication team to offer online content with relevant and attractive graphic skins
  • Ensure the budgetary follow-up related to these activities by coordinating with the sponsors of the graphic works

3.Contribute to the monitoring of the ALIMA photo library/video library

  • Contribute to the proper storage and referencing of the photos and videos used by coordinating with the /the Photographer /Video Maker /Editor
  • Contribute to the good performance of the visuals referenced on the ALIMA media gallery by coordinating with the /the Institutional Communications Officer and Fundraising



You hold a diploma of’Higher studies in graphic design, you present a professional experience of’ at least 3 years in the field of graphic design, ideally in agency (at least 3 years). You have creative references (Book), technical references in design and production of communication media on-line and offline (book). You have a good command of programming tools and software (Dreamweaver, After Effects, Acrobat, Adobe, Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, etc.),’UX/UI techniques for web graphics, etc, drawing techniques and’illustration. You have the ability to receive and give feedback, you are curious, autonomous and organized.


Good written and oral expression in french and english


Durée du contrat : Contrat à durée déterminée de droit Sénégalais de 12 mois

Prise de poste : Dès que possible

Salaire : Niveau 5 de la grille interne d’ALIMA

Autres avantages :

  • 6,5 semaines de congés payés par an et système de jours de récupération pour les déplacements
  • Ecole prise en charge pour d’éventuels enfants à charge, dans la limite des plafonds ALIMA
  • Couverture santé complémentaire et prévoyance prises en charge par ALIMA pour l’employé et ses ayants droits.

How to apply

Pour postuler, veuillez envoyer votre CV et Lettre de Motivation en ligne sur notre page.

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