Consulate General Of India Lagos (Nigeria)- Invitation To Tender: Hiring Of Local Security Guards In Its Chancery At 8A Walter Carrington Crescent Victoria Island, Lagos.


Consulate General Of India

Lagos (Nigeria)

Notice Of Invitation To Tender

Consulate General of India, Lagos invites bids to tender towards Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) in respect of hiring of local security Guards in its Chancery at 8A Walter Carrington Crescent Victoria Island, Lagos.

Details of the tender are available at: http// No: Lag/Adm/813/02/2023 dated 01 December, 2023 may please be addressed to:

Head of Chancery

Consulate General of India

8A, Walter Carrington Crescent,

Victoria Island, Lagos

Last date for submission of tender is 31st January, 2024 on or before (1500hrs).

For more information: Contact: +2348023631480 or Email: